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Enterprise execution dilemma and breakthrough strategy: In-depth analysis from root to solution

1、Leaders are always out of time, and subordinates are always out of work

(1) the boss does not know how to authorize and supervise;.

(2) There is no locking responsibility.

(3) Employees have no motivation to work.

The boss has no time to think about the company's strategy, resulting in unclear development strategy. The boss is too capable, resulting in the ability of the staff can not be improved, it is difficult to implement the company's strategy out of the results. The responsibility is always on the boss, the staff can not grow, to create a long-term development of the company is not conducive to the execution of the company's team, limiting the business bigger and stronger.

Solution Ideas:

(1) clarify the balance of supervision and authorization.

(2) Clear one-to-one responsibility, develop rewards and penalties;.

(3) Cultivate subordinates' thinking and problem-solving ability; (3) Cultivate subordinates' thinking and problem-solving ability.

(4) Integration of company strategy and personal strategy.

2, the boss has the direction, no power, employees have power, no direction

The root cause:

Strategy and implementation of the disconnect, the boss has a strategy, communication is not in place, employees do not know how to implement.

Lead to consequences:

There is a good strategy, because the implementation is not in place, can not achieve the expected results.

Solution ideas:

(1) the boss should communicate with employees about the strategy of the enterprise, so that each employee is clear about their own efforts

(2) the development of strategic objectives, to be specific and quantitative, operable.

3, the top management of the enterprise thought is not unified, their own way, tear each other down

Root causes:

(1) corporate vision, strategic goals, values are not clear, not unified.

(2) senior self-centered, rather than the company's results-oriented.


(1) Strategies cannot be implemented and results are not achieved; and

(2) The company loses cohesion, leading to increased internal conflict.

Solution Ideas:

(1) By clarifying the enterprise vision, strategic goals, values, so that the top thought unity;.

(2) Combine the personal development of the top management with the corporate vision and strategic goals.

(3) Formulate the system and norms of the enterprise according to the vision, values and strategic goals.

4、After the start-up stage, the passion of the top management disappears, bureaucratization tends to be serious, and internal conflict bleeds.

Root causes:

(1) the top followed the boss to fight, accumulated a certain amount of wealth, and at the same time older. In order to keep the position they have, they will cultivate cronies in the enterprise and take out those who are capable. Even seize the suppliers and channels to negotiate with the boss about conditions and pay rises.

(2) The enterprise does not have a more long-term strategy.

(3) Enterprises do not have short-term and long-term incentives.

Resulting Consequences:

Ganging up in the enterprise, forming a bad culture, leading to system deformation.

Solution Ideas:

(1) Develop performance appraisal and promotion mechanism, those who can go up, those who are equal, and those who are mediocre.

(2) The boss should be a wolf, the enterprise should form a wolf culture.

5, the old man thinking rigid, self-righteous, no credit also has the idea of hard work is deeply rooted, do not accept new ideas, resulting in the loss of vitality of the enterprise

The root cause:

(1) at the boss level and the level of the patriarch is not results-oriented, but process-oriented, the patriarch does not have a sense of crisis;.

(2)The boss humanized management is serious, lack of wolf spirit; and

(3) The boss lacks the sense of worry.

Lead to consequences:

Setting obstacles for new employees, new management methods can not be implemented, enterprise management methods are old and backward, can not keep up with the development of the times.

Solution Ideas:

(1) the boss should be wolfish, and the enterprise should form a wolfish culture.

(2) Develop elimination mechanism and create crisis awareness.

6、Enterprises get bigger and bigger, managers are getting more and more tired.

The root cause:

(1) managers do not know how to authorize.

(2) The results of corporate governance needs to be changed.

(3) The system process is still not sound.


Managers don't have time to do what they are supposed to do and can't execute the corporate strategy well.

Solution Ideas:

(1) Leaders should learn to authorize;.

(2) Establish a reasonable governance structure.

(3) Improve the enterprise's system process.

(4) the establishment of a reasonable system of responsibilities, rights and benefits

7, the leadership of mutual restraint, “three leaders a soldier”, subordinates do things, either “left and right”, or “dilemma”!

The root cause:

Job responsibilities are not clear

Lead to consequences:

Subordinates do not know who to listen to, the responsibility can not be one-to-one.

Solution ideas:

(1) clear job responsibilities;.

(2) responsibility one to one.

8, “Zhang Fei” leadership “Zhu Geliang”, do not pretend to understand, on the professionals to point fingers, judgmental

Leaders do not have self-awareness, the use of power, presumptuous criticism.

Leads to consequences:

Impact on the implementation of the results, subordinates because of the fear of leadership power, it is possible to make the right into the wrong.

Solution ideas:

(1) the leader to do the right thing, subordinates to do things right

(2) responsible for the results of things.

9, the aging of the talent structure, most incompetent people occupy the company's main leadership positions; talent strategy to produce management of internal friction

The root cause:

(1) the boss has no wolf, to family members, entrepreneurial elders, in the way of face problems, unwilling to start;

(2) Insufficient human resources reserves, do not dare to start.

Lead to the consequences:

(1) incompetent people to occupy the position, capable people have the ability to play no room, the internal depletion of talent;

(2) employees do not progress, the enterprise gradually lose combat effectiveness, or even collapse.

Solution ideas:

(1) entrepreneurs should be wolf, results-oriented, the establishment of the elimination mechanism (survival of the fittest)

(2) the reserve of human resources.

10、Employees always do not try their best

(1) Employees pay and return disproportionate;.

(2) employees do not know the meaning of work, do not see their future;.

(3) Lack of process and assessment standards for doing things.

Leads to consequences:

Employees only do tasks, not results.

Solution Ideas:

(1) Communicate with subordinates about the significance of his position and establish the company's vision.

(2) Let all employees understand: employees and the enterprise is a business exchange relationship, the exchange is the result; (3) Let all employees understand: employees and the enterprise is a business exchange relationship, the exchange is the result.

(3) Let each department to develop a detailed process of work

(4) with the elimination mechanism to stimulate the ability of employees to act.

11, the system of a line, the implementation of no way

The root cause:

(1) the system is too complex.

(2) the process is not strong operability; (3) supervision.

(3) supervision is not in place.

Leads to consequences:

The system is a sham and fails to deliver results

Solution Idea:

After the development of the system, the implementation of the implementation of the three principles of the implementation:

(1) process-oriented: what to do beforehand? What to do during the event? What to do afterwards?

(2) clarity: each work in the process should be clear. Emphasize what, to quantify what. Can not be quantified, it is difficult to assess.

(3) operationalization: the clear process into an operable, quantitative goals, but also action measures

12, there are always many reasons to make your decision to give up halfway through the implementation

Root causes:

(1) the implementation of the pursuit of perfection.

(2) the boss is not firm enough on the results.


0 < 0.1. too much pursuit of perfect results often equal to 0.

Solution ideas:

(1) Speed first, perfection second in execution;.

(2) Check results in stages.

(3) the real implementation of the three major standards of talent: keeping promises, results-oriented, never say die.

13, do not know what to do without a meeting, the meeting can not solve anything!

The root cause:

(1) the results are not clear.

(2) did not set up the process

Lead to consequences:

Lost the meaning of the meeting, not to solve the problem but the form. Waste of time, affect the efficiency.

Solution Idea:

Set up a meeting process

(1) Before the meeting: prepare the information needed for the meeting. Define the results of the meeting, all results-oriented.

(2) During the meeting: talk only about topics related to the results.

(3) After the meeting: summarize and make a specific implementation plan.

14, pay more than the plan 10 times the energy, but often only 10% of the results of the program

(1) did not define a good stage of the results.

(2) the plan is too perfect, the implementation of no focus.

(3) lack of monitoring process.


Pay a lot, the plan did not get the expected results, because the business is to survive by the results, long-term no results, the business can not be sustainable.

Solution Ideas:

(1) Communicate with the executive level about the significance of the program, and clarify the results intended by the program;.

(2) Define the milestone results and check and monitor them.

(3) according to the results of the establishment of the program implementation process

15, the departments are shirking their responsibilities, everyone avoids risk, no one is responsible for the results and performance

Root causes:

(1) the responsibility is not locked well.

(2) rewards and penalties are not clear

Lead to consequences:

The formation of shirking within the enterprise, tug of war culture, resulting in the loss of team cohesion, performance slippage.

Solution ideas:

(1) clear departmental responsibilities, clearly defined (once the error, there is no opportunity to shirk responsibility);.

(2) Award or recognize employees who take the initiative to take responsibility and be accountable for results.

(3) training or choose to take the initiative to take responsibility for the promotion of people as the object, set an example.

16, the staff always have a lot of “reason”, let you think he did not do things for a reason

Root cause:

(1) the boss of the results of the definition is not clear.

(2) employees are just doing the task without doing the results.


(1) Employees do things, but not the desired results; and

(2) Inefficiency.

Solution Ideas:

(1) Leaders need to be clear about results.

(2) Employees communicate with their superiors about the results the superiors want.

(3) Clear definition of execution: task ≠ result

17, some systems, regulations in the implementation of the old staff will be bent, deformed

The root cause:

Acquaintance culture, all things “love in the front, reason in the back”.

Lead to consequences:

The system is virtually null and void

Solution ideas:

(1) the concept of the leader to break through, all things “reason in front, after the feelings”

(2) the implementation of the system is from top to bottom, first from the boss to set an example.

18, able to come, the system is broken, able to go, performance on the slippery slope.

The root causes:

(1) the boss is too dependent on the capable person;.

(2) insufficient human resource reserves


(1) the system deformation makes the employees feel unfair;.

(2) The capable person can accomplish you or destroy you.

Solution Ideas:

(1) In front of the system, everyone is equal;.

(2) make a good human resources reserves

19, your team is not short of competent people but lack of vitality

Root causes:

(1) employees are not clear about their results.

(2) the company incentive mechanism and elimination mechanism is not perfect.

Lead to consequences:

Employees have the ability, did not play out

Solution Ideas:

(1) Combine the employees' personal development strategy with the development of the company;.

(2) set up a perfect incentive mechanism, elimination mechanism.

20, the key personnel “defection” caused huge losses

The root cause:

(1) the system is not perfect.

(2) authorization and supervision imbalance

(3) the system of competent people.

(4) core staff management

Resulting Consequences:

To the enterprise caused by manpower, material resources, financial resources and other huge losses

Solution Ideas:

(1) Improve the human resources system.

(2) Balance between authorization and supervision.

(3) Prepare human resources and establish a systematic system that does not depend on capable people; (3) Prepare human resources and establish a systematic system that does not depend on capable people.

(4) Strengthen the management of core employees

21, a lot of coordination, but the more coordination, the more things

The root cause:

Unclear responsibilities, are self-centered, not company results-oriented.

Lead to consequences:

Inter-departmental shirking of responsibilities and pulling each other's strings, resulting in internal conflict in the enterprise.

Solution ideas:

(1) clarify the company results, unified goals.

(2)Define responsibilities.

(3) the establishment of a sound workflow

22, small businesses commit big business disease, a lot of procedures, departmental barriers, information is not available, etc.

The root cause:

(1) bloated organizational structure to show the level of business management

(2) Each department is self-centered.

Lead to consequences:

Poor communication within the organization, departments putting up barriers to each other, and inefficiency.

Solution Ideas:

(1) Effectively simplify the organizational structure.

(2) customer value-oriented, unified corporate core culture.

23, the existence of a large number of flowery, tiger-like, good people and other kinds of formalism phenomenon

Root causes:

(1) Management does not have a clear definition of the results of what employees do;.

(2) There is no inspection and supervision.

(3) No clear reward and punishment mechanism


(1) “Nice guy” leads to a culture of power politics in the enterprise, all go to interpersonal relations, not to provide results

(2) Employees can not provide results, resulting in the enterprise can not survive


(1) to the work process, standardization, norms.

(2) Set up monitoring and inspection mechanisms.

(3) the establishment of reward and punishment system

24, people floating in the matter, encountered things to push each other, encountered the responsibility of passing the buck to each other, encountered the phenomenon of honor to take credit for it is not uncommon

Root causes:

(1) responsibilities are not clear, the scope of the definition is not clear.

(2) Rewards and punishments are not clear.


Employees lose work motivation, slow development of the enterprise.

Solution Ideas:

(1) Setting one-to-one responsibility;.

(2) clear rewards and punishments standards

25, the boss oppresses the top, the top oppresses the middle, the middle oppresses the general staff

Root cause:

(1) the boss focuses on short-term interests; (2) the boss focuses on short-term interests; (3) the boss focuses on short-term interests.

(2) The boss has been benefited by this way


(1) If the enterprise is in trouble, no employees will be in the same boat with the enterprise; and

(2) Employees have no loyalty and responsibility.

Solution Ideas:

(1) with good “results” to guide employees; (2) with good “results” to guide employees; (3) with good “results” to guide employees; (4) with good “results” to guide employees.

(2) with bad “results” of the example of the wake-up call to employees.

26, employees do not have a sense of security, lack of loyalty, sense of belonging

The root cause:

(1) employees do not get the benefits and value of support; (2) the enterprise has no sense of security, lack of loyalty, sense of belonging.

(2) the enterprise has no vision, core values, strategic objectives


(1) Large amount of employee turnover ;Â

(2) Employees do not work as hard as they can Employees do not work to the fullest.

Solution Ideas:

(1) set up the company's vision, core values, strategic goals, and with the personal development strategy combination

(2) Sentient leadership.

(3) Establish an incentive system.

27. “Full-fledged troops” lead “non-full-fledged troops”, and it is difficult to establish a real sense of trust between subordinates.

(1) unfair promotion mechanism and distribution of benefits.

(2) The enterprise advocates the human system culture, not the legal system culture.

(3) Not strictly according to the system, according to the process.

Resulting consequences:

(1) Mistrust between the upper and lower levels, so that the implementation of the company's strategy is discounted.

(2) “Non-first-line troops” brain drain.

(3) Insufficient motivation of employees.

(4) The power culture has shifted the goal of the employees' work: focusing on the relationship rather than the results.

Solution ideas:

(1) from the “rule of man” to the “rule of law”.

(2) promotion mechanism, benefit distribution and results linked.

28. The ministry are “playing a small plan, beat the drum of grievances”, a belly full of dissatisfaction and resentment

Root causes:

(1) promotion mechanism, the distribution of benefits mechanism is not open, fair and just.

(2) between the upper and lower levels, communication channels are not open, no effective communication.

Resulting consequences:

(1) Employees are emotional, low efficiency, affecting the results.

Solution Ideas:

(1) The promotion mechanism and benefit distribution mechanism should be just, fair and open.

(2) Maintain smooth communication and adopt reasonable suggestions.

29, false “unity”: the boss said one, the top immediately said one, do not dare to say two, have objections do not dare to mention!

Root causes:

(1) the boss is too strong personal ability, too opinionated, do not like to listen to other people's opinions and suggestions; (2) the senior management of the company, the boss said a, the senior immediately said a, do not dare to say two, do not dare to raise objections.

(2) The top management is coy, afraid of offending the boss, and do not dare to take responsibility.

Resulting consequences:

(1) the boss's personal ability is too strong, the employees produce dependence on the idea, resulting in a lack of organizational execution. Without organizational execution, it is difficult to make the enterprise bigger and stronger.

(2) The boss can not listen to different opinions, which will increase the risk of decision-making.

Solution Ideas:

(1) Change the boss's mind: use the good “results” to guide him; use the bad “results” examples to wake him up.

(2) the establishment of the company's internal reaction to the boss of the channel.

30, a pole to the end, things are solved, but more and more similar things, treating the symptoms but not the root cause!

The root cause:

The superiors found a pole to the end is very effective, often a go, the problem is solved immediately;;.

Lead to consequences:

(1) employees use the boss to pressure the middle level;

(2) the middle leadership authority declined.

(3) the middle level are waiting for the boss to fail.

Solution ideas:

(1) executives should fundamentally change their minds, clearly define the content of the authorization with the subordinates before authorization, frequent communication, to help him improve.

(2) the establishment of the process: the need to overstep the command, you must first coordinate with the required overstep managers, by the employee's department leader to issue instructions.

31, the urgent need for talent, but the number of job-hopping has increased dramatically

The root cause:

Enterprises only focus on the material income of employees, rather than spiritual rewards.

However, wages, working conditions, working environment, etc. are the comparative competitive advantage of enterprises to attract and retain talent, is reproducible, when other enterprises to provide better conditions, employees will easily jump ship. And work achievement, social recognition, development prospects, etc. (corporate culture, mechanism) is to attract talent, talent retention sustained competitive advantage.

Lead to consequences:

Enterprise labor costs are too high, but employee loyalty is not high.

Solution Ideas:

(1) Establish a good culture:

① Let employees understand that the company has a clear development strategy goals, and combined with personal development;.

② focus on the personal development of employees, build a fair competition platform, provide learning and training opportunities to promote outstanding talent to stand out;; ③ sentient leadership.

③ Sentient leadership. (so that employees are respected in spirit and personality, the company has good interpersonal relations and working environment.

(2) Establish good mechanism

(①Emphasize the work of human resources

(② establish a reasonable distribution system and promotion system, so that employees' labor contributions and labor compensation can be reasonably affirmed.

32, the work is not in place, a lot of excuses, everyone is very busy, but the performance is constantly slipping

Root causes:

(1) job duties are not clear, no locking responsibility;.

(2) employees are not clear about the results, only responsible for the process;.

(3) Poor time management.

Leads to consequences:

Employees are busy all day long without delivering results for the organization, leading to a slippage in business performance.

Solution ideas:

(1) Define the job responsibilities of each position.

(2) Establish one-to-one responsibility commitment, each person is responsible for their own results, rewards and punishments are linked to the results.

(3) Change the time management of employees. (Do important not urgent things)

33, to convince people with morality, to convince people with feelings, not to “law” to convince people, the lack of openness, justice, fairness atmosphere.

Root causes:

(1) rely on power to lead the enterprise

(2) inadequate systems or lack of implementation of the system


(1) too much internal conflict in the enterprise, increasing costs, it is difficult to be strong; and

(2) Employees work lack of motivation, organizational execution discount.

Solution Ideas:

(1) Improve and implement the system, top-down thorough implementation;.

(2) Advocate sentient leadership, ruthless management, desperate system

(3) and the establishment of results-oriented incentive mechanism, the results linked to the interests of the

34, a few people gain power, most people lose their minds

The root cause:

(1) the boss of the power culture, reuse employees based on feelings;.

(2) the company promotion mechanism is unreasonable, unfair distribution of benefits.

Resulting consequences:

Employees lack of motivation, loyalty to the company is not high.

Solution idea:

Establish a fair, open and just reward and promotion mechanism linked to the results, and resolutely implemented.

35、Company has no core culture, the core concept of confusion

Root causes:

(1) different departmental leaders, the formation of different cultures, each department into its own, only to follow the culture of their own departments, the company has no core culture.

(2) the strategic decision-making level does not understand the value of the core culture and core concepts for the company.

Lead to consequences:

There is no unified goal and direction at all levels of the enterprise, weakening employee motivation, corporate organizational execution. (Managers and employees do not have a common goal, are not clear about the direction in which the enterprise is moving forward, cannot appreciate the significance and value of their work, and do not have a sense of mission to engage in a cause, and thus cannot get a sense of accomplishment from their work.) This will inevitably lead to a series of problems such as misaligned corporate strategies, chaotic organizations and systems, and poor corporate culture. The internal friction of the enterprise will be greatly increased, and the fighting force will be greatly reduced.

Solution ideas:

(1) Let the company's strategic layer to understand the core culture, the core concept of the value of the company.

(2) around the customer value, to determine the company's core culture, core concepts, and implement into the work of employees.

36, employees of the country, family, world affairs, everything is concerned about, is not concerned about their own affairs

The root cause:

Employees are not clear about their long-term goals.

Lead to consequences:

Can't do their jobs well, can't provide results for the enterprise well.

Solution Ideas:

(1) The leader makes it clear to the employee what his job means and what results the company wants. (Where the leader's time is spent is where the employee's focus is.)

(2) Set up a system of rewards and punishments.

37. Employees are thinking, bosses are acting

Root causes:

(1) can not tell the difference between strategy and implementation, employees at the executive level are still discussing whether to implement;.

(2) there is no process, employees do not know how to implement.

Lead to consequences:

The boss in order to get the results in time, go to action themselves, resulting in always no time, subordinates are always out of work.

Solution ideas:

(1) change the ideology of employees: assess the risk before the development of strategy, right or wrong success or failure after the implementation.

(2) Develop a reasonable work and authorization process.

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