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Lean Site Management: From “Surface Tidiness” to “Five Excellence” Transformation

After watching the on-site management of an aerospace company, Mr. Lu, the chairman of a unit of Jinduicheng Molybdenum Industry, said, “I have two shocks, the first one is the visual shock: the site is well organized, and the right and wrong of the work is clear at a glance. The second is the shock of the soul: the largest enterprises in the industry in the country engaged in the field, administration, trade unions management for decades since I think it is not bad, but see such excellent field management to realize that there are still too many things need to learn.

Because of the relationship between the consulting industry, the author found in many domestic enterprises on-site assessment is to grasp the health, grasp the neatly arranged, emphasizing more assessment. Once to go to a place where a group tree as a “site management benchmark” of an enterprise, after observing the scene, I can only say that “strict discipline, cleanliness and hygiene,” and that's it. The essence of on-site management in the end what, how to become a first-class on-site management? Why is it that “only grasp health, neatly arranged” is difficult to maintain or even futile? It is very important to clarify these questions to define the direction of site management improvement.

Examination of health conditions and neatly arranged or not as the main requirements of on-site management of the phenomenon of many domestic enterprises exist, in fact, such requirements and first-class on-site management of the requirements of the gap is very far, do not understand the essence of on-site management, and then do ten years of health inspections and neatly arranged inspections can not become an excellent on-site management of the enterprise.

According to years of factory management and consulting work in contact with a large number of various types of enterprises in the situation, summed up the first-class site management of the “five” signs, through the “standardization, dynamization, activation, humanization, learning” to gradually achieve first-class site management.


Site management must emphasize standardization, daily work must be carried out in accordance with the standards and systems, especially focusing on the details of the standard operation. Through the implementation of ISO9001 and other systems, many companies have prepared many standards, processes and other information. However, if you carefully analyze these standards, processes, then you will find that different people in accordance with the standards, processes to do will get different results. For example, an enterprise stipulates that “the trash can can not be too full, or points deducted”, the problem is what is meant by “the trash can not be too full” without specific details. Another example is an enterprise to wash their hands process “water → hand sanitizer → water → coax dry” posted on the wall, the surface of the process, but if you arrange for a few people to wash their hands in accordance with this process, you will find that the differences between different people.

Let's look at McDonald's hand washing regulations: 1, every hour with bactericidal hand sanitizer; 2, wash to the wrist above, at least 20 seconds. It shows that standardization focuses on detail management. If different people work according to the same standards but produce different results, so the standards, processes is a pose. From this, I think of some companies do not put forward the scene do not draw a line, do not mark, the reason given is that “we want to improve staff literacy, line and marking in their own minds”, this desire is good, but look at some of our generally recognized “higher staff literacy “Europe and the United States developed countries, there is a country's traffic roads are not delineated lines, not delineated pedestrian lanes? And then the good quality also need clear standards, processes to guide to do things right, otherwise different people will produce different “in the heart” of the scene, things will naturally be a variety of no norms. Site demarcation, marking is clear through the details of the management of the work being carried out on-site right or wrong, resulting in good self-restraint conditions and facilitate supervision.


Anyone who has been to Toyota, Samsung, General Motors, etc. on behalf of Japan, South Korea, the United States of America's outstanding enterprises, as long as the production plant standing in front of the management of the Kanban board can be seen in recent years down the workshop or even the shift responsible for the KPI indicators (P (efficiency) Q (quality) C (cost) D (delivery) S (safety) M (morale), etc.) trend, and then understand the management of the relevant managers whether the management of the effectiveness of the. There is no market for “no credit but hard work” in good companies. Can not see you responsible for the PQCDSM indicators become better, it only shows that you are not a good manager. Many excellent enterprises put forward: according to the plan to complete production is a matter of course, you get this salary should be completed production, to determine whether you are good benchmark is your responsibility for the PQCDSM indicators than the competitors faster than the direction of improvement. Therefore, it is very important to clarify the PQCDSM indicators for which the managers at all levels are responsible, and to reveal some important indicators on the management board, and to track the trend of these indicators, which is very important for the continuous improvement of the management level.


A media survey last year showed that 48% of frontline operators in China suffer from burnout, and the percentage of burnout decreases with job promotion. Individual enthusiasm to play with or without its sense of achievement has a great relationship, no sense of achievement is easy to produce burnout. It is not easy to produce burnout when you have decision-making power, which is also the reason why the proportion of burnout among middle and senior managers decreases. However, the majority of front-line workers in production-oriented enterprises, it is very important to reduce the proportion of burnout for them to do a good job in the field management of the enterprise. Enterprises can not provide administrative affairs on many decision-making opportunities to them, but can be improved through the daily so that they participate in small changes on the “decision-making”, summarize the results of the improvement cases, such as the use of rubber sets posted in their workstations above (or near), the leadership or guests of a word of praise can probably let him work energetically for a week. In addition, the company regularly convenes the main staff of each department, the backbone of the production to observe and learn from the site of the recent examples of excellent improvement of the so-called improvement of the trip way to stimulate the vitality of everyone is very effective. Letting employees' improvement results be valued is an important way to reduce burnout and energize employees.


Sexualization is not necessarily related to the level of wages and benefits. Compared to many developed countries, the wage level of employees in domestic enterprises is very low. But even if it is very low, enterprises still need to pursue humanized management. In enhancing the level of site management I believe that the following 2 aspects should be reflected in the “people-oriented” humanized management.

1, in the case of the company does not increase the number of inputs, looking for ways and means to make the front-line workers more accurate, faster and easier to complete the work.

I remember once saw a worker standing in front of the instrument table, eyes looking at dozens of meters in front of him. I said to the management cadres, you simply can not believe that the workers can look good at these meters, each meter has a normal state of the upper and lower limits of two numbers, dozens of meters there are dozens or even hundreds of numbers, so many to workers to remember itself is very difficult, coupled with the instrumentation pointers are not often a problem, “has been ten days without a problem”, the human inertia will make the employees. Human inertia will make the staff to “occasional problems” blind.

Pre-job training and examination is very important, but this does not allow the staff to work effectively, and through visual management, the normal range of a variety of instruments labeled green, other yellow or red, or for digital instrumentation, the maximum and minimum values marked out to reduce the need for employees to memorize the contents of the staff can quickly and accurately determine the instrumentation status is normal, reducing the memory pressure and work tension, and easily do the job. Easy to get the job done. The main work of the manager is not “supervision” or “management”: in the case of not increasing the company's investment, looking for ways and means to make the front-line operators more accurate, faster and easier to complete the work.

2、Creating a cozy scene

Once went to a domestic enterprise lectures, before the lesson to observe the scene of the enterprise, to the first team rest area to see a circle of leather sofas, stainless steel coffee table, metal newspaper racks, high-grade TV cabinets and other items, the wall of the large spray-painted boards only leave a small place for the team to hang a little information, spray-painted boards on the majority of the places are spray-painted on the fixed slogans, concepts, publicity and other information, the first feeling at that time is that this business! The first feeling at that time was that this enterprise had money.   Waiting to see the second team rest area is also the same items, the same arrangement, the defendant “we are in the standardization of the construction of the team”, at this time I have felt no must look down.   The same thing is not worth looking at, the wall of the same thing is basically a form, do not expect employees to pay attention to often.

On the contrary, some excellent enterprises encourage each team to make full use of the enterprise's discarded materials, items, and play the imagination of the members of the team and their own hands to create a warm rest, learning place.   After observing the site of Guilin Aerospace Electronics Company, Mr. Zhang, the secretary of Aerospace Group's Lean Production Office, said with great emotion that: the persons in charge of each workshop team, including the team leader of the section in his 40s, all want to tell me about the improvement results and process of their own teams from the bottom of their hearts and with great passion, and that they can see the improvement results of combining the characteristics of their teams in the different teams, and that the internal site is very cozy, even though the factory building has been constructed for a long time, and its exterior appearance is not modern enough. Although the building is old and not modern enough on the outside, the internal site is very cozy, which touched me.   They have achieved the goal of “touching the customers, touching the leaders, and touching themselves”.


The competition of today's enterprises is no longer the competition of products, nor is it only the competition of talents. The only lasting competitive advantage is the ability to learn faster than your competitors. Although the enhancement of learning is more difficult, but some domestic enterprises, such as Lai Steel Group and other enterprises have been a step ahead, through the “self-transcendence, improve mental model, establish a common vision, team learning, systematic thinking” five practices to create a learning team management enhancement activities, to all levels of personnel to bring the concept of the enterprise and behavioral It has brought great changes to the concepts and behaviors of people at all levels of the enterprise. Being good at learning and summarizing and improving is undoubtedly the driving force for continuous improvement and raising the level of on-site management. Gansu Shandan Cement Plant through the study, summarized, summarized the site management of the “five according to five dry five check” principle, is the case of learning to get better:

1 .

According to the program, according to the line, according to the standard, according to the time, according to the operating instructions

2 .

What to do, how to do, what time to do, according to what line to do, dry to what extent?

3 .

By whom to check, what time to check, check what items, check what the standard is, check the results by whom to implement.

Consciousness determines behavior, there is no correct concept will not have good results. Abandon the focus on assessing the state of health and placement of neat and tidy “site management”, through the “standardization, dynamization, activation, humanization, learning” learning, understanding and mastering the essence of site management, towards the correct direction of site management, it is the domestic Many enterprises seriously think about the time. Otherwise, ten more years of hygiene checks and neatly arranged inspections can not become an excellent site management enterprises.

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