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Quality Management Department Core Responsibilities and Task List Template


What are the tasks and contents of the Quality Department? Are you familiar with them? Take a look at the task list of the quality department of this company, and assign the quality work of the department more clearly in place!


General rule

01. Participate in the quality planning of the company;

02. Formulation of organizational quality plan;

03. Check and supervise the completion of the quality plan;

04. Report the completion of quality plan to superior supervisor;

05. Formulate and improve the work plan of the quality department;

06. Implementation of departmental work plans;

07. Check and supervise the completion of departmental work plans;

08. Summarize the completion of the department work plan and report to the supervisor;

09. Assist in drafting quality policies and setting quality objectives;

10. Organize the formulation and improvement of product inspection standards;

11. Supervise the implementation of product inspection standards;

12. Responsible for organizing the investigation, handling and adjudication of abnormal product quality;

13. Coordinate the activities of the Department with those of other departments;

14. Coordinate the internal activities of the department;

15. Transmission and communication of information between superiors and subordinates;

16. Liaise with experts, technical advisers and external organisations on quality issues;

17. Determine the organizational structure and job responsibilities of the department;

18. Define the management and supervision functions of the department;

19. Report quality management and quality inspection to superior supervisor;

20. Assist subordinate staff in dealing with important and difficult administrative or technical issues;

21. Select and approve the appointment of subordinates;

22. Inspect, supervise, assess and evaluate the work of subordinates;

23. Training of subordinates;

24. Stop and report all behaviors and factors found that may affect the quality of the product;

25. Organize the handling of customer complaints;

26. Participate in quality audits of suppliers;

27. Responsible for providing quality guidance to suppliers;

28. Responsible for the approval of product release;

29. Review of contract quality requirements;

30. Approval of scrap of defective materials;

31. Countersignature of CER;

32. Participate in product design review, verification and confirmation and put forward improvement suggestions;

33. Receive second and third parties for product quality and quality system certification and follow-up contact;

34. Approval of external personnel to access quality system documents and quality records;

35. Complete other tasks assigned by the boss.


Incoming material control

36. Develop incoming inspection and test procedures;

37. Formulate, review and approve incoming Material Inspection Standards;

38. Determine the sampling plan for incoming materials;

39. Management of incoming samples (filing, marking, storage and updating);

40. Arrange and organize the daily work of IQC;

41. Fill in the Incoming Material Inspection Record Form according to the Incoming Material Inspection Form, and distribute the Incoming Material Inspection Record Form to IQC inspectors;

42. Sample incoming materials according to incoming Material Inspection Standard, Sampling Schedule, sample and Incoming Material Inspection Record

43. Test the samples taken, and record the test results in the Incoming Inspection Record Form;

44. Review of Incoming Material Inspection Record Form;

45. Approval of Incoming Material Inspection Record Form;

46. Archiving of Incoming Material Inspection Record Form;

47. Paste corresponding status labels (qualified, concession accepted, return, selection, isolation) on the inspected materials according to the inspection results;

48. If the incoming materials fail to pass the inspection, fill in the Processing List of Incoming Materials and submit it to QE;

49. Confirm the incoming inspection unqualified products and fill in the corresponding columns of the "Incoming Inspection Unqualified Products Treatment List";

50. Handle incoming inspection nonconforming products and fill in the corresponding columns of "Incoming Inspection Nonconforming Products Treatment List";

51. Distribute the Incoming Material Inspection Record Form and the Incoming Material Inspection Nonconforming Product Treatment List to relevant departments;

52. Fill in the "Material Inspection Form" and return it to the warehouse department;

53. Fill in "Incoming Material Inspection Daily Report";

54. Review the Incoming Material Inspection Daily Report;

55. Input "Incoming Inspection Daily Report" into the computer;

56. Archiving of incoming Material Inspection Daily Report;

57. Do "incoming Inspection Weekly Report";

58. Review of Incoming Material Inspection Weekly;

59. Archiving of Incoming Material Inspection Weekly Report;

60. Make "incoming Material Inspection Monthly Report";

61. Review of Incoming Material Inspection Monthly Report;

62. Archiving "Incoming Material Inspection Monthly Report";

63. Make statistics of suppliers' incoming materials on a quarterly basis, and score their quality;

64. Review the supplier's quarterly quality score;

65. Feedback the supplier's quality rating to the Purchasing department;

66. Report the abnormal quality of incoming materials to the supplier/purchasing department;

67. Follow up on incoming material problems found in production, and assist relevant departments to deal with them;

68. Collect information of incoming nonconforming products and assist QE in analyzing nonconforming products;

69. Prioritize inspection of special or emergency materials;

70. Identification of materials for emergency release;

71. Confirm the unqualified products selected in the production process, and assist the purchasing department to deal with them;

72. Reception and contact of suppliers to solve incoming material problems;

73. For the nail groove sleeve and platform stainless iron sheet, get 1 piece (sheet) for each batch, and submit it to the person in charge of the hardware department for folding test and fill in the test report.


Process control

74. Develop process inspection and test procedures;

75. Formulate, review and approve "Process Inspection Standards" (first inspection, inspection and sampling inspection) and "QC Flow Chart";

76. Determine the process sampling plan;

77. Process template management (documentation, identification, storage and update);

78. Arrange and organize the daily work of process QC;

79. According to the "Process Inspection Standards" (first inspection, inspection and sampling inspection) and the "QC flow chart", the first inspection, inspection and sampling inspection of the products in process and semi-finished products produced by the hardware department, the plastic department and the assembly Department;

80. Check whether the material pulled up has correct product identification and status identification;

81. Check whether the status identification of production equipment and fixture is normal;

82. Check whether there are corresponding operation instructions for each important production process (bit);

83. Check whether the production personnel operate correctly according to the corresponding operation instructions;

84. Check whether the production of unqualified products are isolated and labeled;

85. Fill in the "Abnormal Quality Notice" for the above 080 ~ 084 inspection nonconformity, submit it to the production department, and feedback to the boss;

86. Follow up the correction of the "Abnormal Quality Notice";

87. Conducted statistics and analysis of the Quality Abnormal Notice after closure and fed back the results to relevant departments;

88. File the "Abnormal Quality Notice";

89. The first confirmation of the production product;

90. Record "Product First Inspection Report";

91. Review of "Product First Inspection Report";

92. Filing of "Product First Inspection Report";

93. Regularly inspect each production process (bit), and extract the specified quantity of products for confirmation;

94. Record the Inspection Report;

95. Review of Inspection Report;

96. Archiving of inspection Report;

97. Statistics and analysis of process inspection, and report to relevant departments;

98. The situation found in the first inspection and inspection should be timely reported to the production team, record its situation, follow up the correction situation, and report to the boss;

99. The parts and semi-finished products produced in the process shall be sampled and inspected according to the Process Inspection Standard, sampling schedule and sample, and the results shall be recorded in the Process Sampling Inspection Report;

100. Review of "Process sampling inspection Report";

101. Approval of "Process sampling Report";

102. Archiving of "Process sampling inspection Report";

103. Paste the corresponding status label (qualified, isolated, concession release) on the inspected materials according to the inspection results;

104. If the inspection fails, the "Process Sampling Inspection Report" shall be submitted to QE for processing;

105. Statistics and analysis of process sampling, and report to relevant departments;

106. Confirmation of non-conforming products in the process;

107. Decision on the disposal of non-conforming products in the process;

108. Rework/repair follow-up of non-conforming products/batches in the process;

109. Make shift records and remind attention;

110. Responsible for the statistics and analysis of engineering defects, coordinate with engineering department and Production Department to analyze the causes, propose corrective measures, and follow up the improvement.


Final inspection control

111. Develop inspection and test procedures for final products;

112. Formulate, review and approve the "Finished Product Inspection Standard" and "Finished Product Packaging Code" according to the contract or customer requirements;

113. Determine sampling plan for finished product inspection;

114. Management of finished samples (filing, marking, storage and updating);

115. Arrange and organize the daily work of final QC inspection;

116. According to the "Finished Product Inspection Standard" and its sampling plan, sample inspection of the finished product submitted by the production line in terms of appearance, function, packaging, etc., and fill in the "Finished Product Sampling Inspection Report";

117. Review of the Finished Product Sampling Report;

118. Approval of the Finished Product Sampling Inspection Report;

119. Archiving of Finished Product sampling inspection Report;

120. Paste the corresponding status mark (qualified, isolated) on the inspected finished products according to the inspection results;

121. If the inspection fails, report to the production department for processing;

122. Follow up the processing of unqualified finished products by the production department;

123. Fill in the "Finished Product Inspection Daily Report";

124. Review of Finished Product Inspection Daily Report;

125. Filing of Daily Inspection Report of Finished Products;

126. Finished product inspection statistics, analysis, and report to relevant departments.



127. Arrange and organize QA daily work;

128. Quality inspection and testing before delivery or customer inspection;

129. Check the information provided by customers, according to the requirements of the production list, check the packaging method, production quantity, box mark, instructions, and paper;

130. In accordance with customer requirements and product test procedures to the finished products of the box test, life test, etc.;

131. Fill in the "Finished Product Test Report";

132. Review of "Finished Product Test Report";

133. Distribution of the Finished Product Test Report to relevant departments;

134. Filing of "Finished product Test Report";

135. Indicate the customer's inspection time, production date, inspection situation and changes in the use of materials on the production plan list;

136. Inspection when the production has completed 80% of the order, notify the customer to come to the factory for inspection;

137. Accompany the customer to the factory inspection according to the scheduled date;

138. Accompany customers to check the quantity of products and draw boxes;

139. Arrange QC unpacking and accompanying testing;

140. Sign "Customer Inspection Report", copy and file and fax the result to Hong Kong or customer office as required;

141. Organize reports, bind QA reports, final inspection reports, life test reports and customer inspection reports of the same order together and file them;

142. Handle the issues related to customer disposal, understand the current production situation and the use of materials and the problems prone to occur in the test and report to the supervisor;

143. Telephone or fax contact with customers and Hong Kong company on quality issues;

144. Receive the notice of finished sample making, fill in the "Sample making Record", and log in the "sample making catalogue";

145. Copy template making notice to QC team leader to follow up: including the use of materials, color matching, pad printing requirements, functional test results feedback, packaging method, packing quantity, production date, warehousing time, etc.;

146. Testing and statistics of the progress of the prototype mechanism;

147. Receive the receipt of the remaining products returned from the exhibition and the customer's return, and send people into the warehouse to collect the products.

148. Conduct inspection, testing, analysis and statistics on the remaining products returned from exhibitors and customer returns, and report to relevant departments;

149. The remaining products returned from the exhibition and returned by customers will be cleaned and packaged after re-testing, and the qualified packaging will be stored in the warehouse when it is not a good time to repair the qualified packaging. If the products cannot be repaired, fill in the scrap sheet and apply for scrap;

150. Management of customer sample signing.


Quality engineering

151. Planning of quality engineering work;

152. Organization, arrangement, follow-up and assessment of the work of quality engineering personnel;

153. Planning of inspections and tests

154. Setting of quality control points;

155. Establishment of inspection standards;

156. Formulation/revision, review and approval of inspection and test standards for products (incoming materials, production parts, semi-finished products, finished products) in accordance with engineering documents, contracts and customer requirements;

157. Formulation of parts inspection standards (feed, process);

158. Part drawing analysis

159. Structural analysis of parts

160. Match the size of the parts

161. Trial assembly of parts

162. Determine the measurement base

163. Determine important dimensions

164. Measuring tools and methods for determining dimensions

165. The parts are measured to check the established method

166. Determine the visual inspection items

167. Identification of functional interoperability projects

168. Analyze inspection items with supervisor/engineering technician

169. Preparation of inspection documents

170. Approval of inspection documents

171. Inspection documents are distributed by clerks

172. Signing of acceptable samples (limit samples) for incoming materials and defective products found in production;

173. Formulation/revision, review and approval of QC Flow Chart;

174. Formulation/revision, review and approval of the Finished Product Packaging Code;

175. Design quality record format;

176. Check the consistency of inspection standards with relevant drawings and BOM;

177. Gage design work;

178. Check the relevant dimensions of the engineering drawing

179. Design gage

180. Contact the mold for production

181. Evaluate and follow up the use of the gage in the production site;

182. Train QC on product inspection standards and guide their inspection work;

183. Process improvement

184. Confirmation of non-conforming products in incoming and process inspection;

185. Receive nonconforming product report and nonconforming sample

186. Comparison of non-conforming items with standards

187. Identify nonconforming items

188. Find parts (dimensions) associated with nonconformity

189. Match it with parts

190. Where necessary, tests are carried out on products and relevant data is collected for analysis

191. Determine the extent of the impact of nonconforming items

192. Reply the nonconforming report and give suggestions for handling it

193. Follow up and analyze the released materials, and report the results to relevant departments

194. Quality inspection of production site;

195. View the engineering record sheet;

196. View quality anomaly report;

197. Analysis of changes in adverse conditions in statistical statements;

198. To QC, production inspectors, testers, maintenance personnel to understand the product quality status

199. To make a preliminary determination of the occurrence of anomalies;

200. Analysis with production/engineering technicians

201. Compare the condition of similar products

202. Check the relevant quality records and engineering technical data

203. Arrange corresponding tests for parts judged to be abnormal and normal parts

204. Use different parts for trial assembly and compare functions

205. Summarize

206. Take appropriate improvement measures, follow up the results and give feedback to relevant departments

207. Where necessary, it is recommended that the improvement measures be incorporated into the corresponding quality system documents

208. Answer quality questions raised by QC;

209. Measurement dimensions are out of tolerance

210. Abnormal fit size

211. Abnormal function

212. Quality assessment of molds (parts)

213. The evaluation form was received

214. Search the corresponding engineering and technical information (mold change notice, production notice, engineering drawing);

215. Determine the important dimensions to be tested;

216. Arrange a measuring room to test important dimensions;

217. Comparison and analysis of measurement results and design requirements;

218. Understand the structure of the mold;

219. Open the internal contact book, contact the production department for trial assembly;

220. Check whether there is any abnormality in the field trial assembly process;

221. Analysis and confirmation of test assembly results; 掟

222. Arrange special tests (such as life test, 掟 box test) if necessary;

223. Analysis and confirmation of special tests;

224. Discuss evaluation results with Engineering technicians;

225. Mold comprehensive evaluation, fill in the evaluation form;

226. Return the assessment form to the Engineering Department;

227. Safety certification of products

228. Familiar with product safety requirements;

229. Familiar with the general process of safety certification;

230. Consult the certification body about the certification process;

231. Preparation of products for certification;

232. Confirm the product;

233. Preparation of certification materials;

234. Submit an application for certification;

235. Accompany safety certification personnel to carry out certification work when necessary;

236. Follow-up treatment of problems raised in safety certification;

237. Reply to questions raised by certification companies;

238. Payment procedures linked to financial arrangements;

239. Certification obtained;

240. Summarize certification related matters and inform relevant personnel;

241. Organize relevant departments to implement special requirements for certification;

242. Review and follow-up;

243. Translation of safety information;

244. Other

245. Participate in contract review;

246. Receipt of the contract

247. Confirm the quality assurance capability of the contract products (product specifications/specifications, testing methods and methods);

248. Fill in the contract review form

249. Contract returned to PMC

250. Participate in design review;

251. Received the design project review notice from the engineering Department

252. Read the relevant engineering design technical information

253. Information is collected by comparing similar products

254. Attend the review meeting

255. Discuss the content of the review

256. Participate in supplier selection and evaluation;

257. Site visits to suppliers for quality assurance, where necessary

258. Review of the questionnaire provided by the supplier

259. Evaluation of samples provided by (participating) suppliers

260. Collect statistics of incoming materials from suppliers and score quality accordingly

261. Accompanied the supplier to the factory to understand the problems related to product quality, discussed the inspection standards and solutions of both sides, and reported the results to the boss and the purchasing department

262. Communicate with the supplier about the quality of incoming materials

263. Quality assessment of major process changes;

264. Participate in new product development prototype fault analysis;

265. Comprehensively evaluate the packaging materials, cartons, actual assembly and 掟 boxes of the new products, record the results on the evaluation sheet and return to the Purchasing Department;

266. Follow-up of material handling involved in ECN;

267. Fault analysis of customer inspection machine;

268. When necessary, request corrective and preventive measures to the relevant departments for important quality anomalies and follow up on their implementation.

269. Requests for corrective and preventive actions are made/received

270. Confirmation of corrective items

271. Issue corrective and preventive action notices;

272. Participate in the analysis of problems in responsible departments and assist in the formulation of improvement measures;

273. Receipt of corrective and preventive action notification;

274. To check the progress of the implementation of improvement measures;

275. Confirm the effectiveness of the implementation of the improvement measures;

276. Notification of corrective and preventive measures for the completion of the case/notification of corrective and preventive measures for the failure of assessment;

277. If necessary, revise the relevant documents

278. Product testing;

279. Analysis of test results

280. Submission of the test report

281. (Finishing the process parameters of the plastic department);

282. Training of personnel in the sector;

283. Basic product knowledge

284. Current situation of parts fit

285. Basic analysis of functional abnormalities

286. Basic information on the operation of corporate system procedures

287. Instrument calibration work

288. Knowledge of hardware and plastic parts processing


Metrological work

289. Planning of measurement work;

290. Ensure the accuracy of the quantity transmission of the company's measuring equipment;

291. Formulation of control documents for measuring equipment (" Operating Procedures for Measuring Equipment Management "and" Measures for the Management of Self-made Test Fixtures ", etc.);

292. Purchase management of measuring equipment;

293. Review of purchasing orders for metering equipment;

294. Organize the acceptance of measuring equipment;

295. Distribution of metering equipment;

296. Unified numbering of all the company's measuring equipment, and establishment of Measuring equipment Ledger, Measuring Equipment Resume, Measuring Equipment Personal Tool Card;

297. Unify the number of the company's self-made fixtures, and establish "Self-made Fixtures Ledger", "Self-made Fixtures Resume", "Self-made Fixtures Personal Tools Card";

298. Preparation, review and approval of various metering equipment operating instructions;

299. Metrological knowledge training for users of metrological equipment;

300. Prepare calibration procedures for internal calibration equipment and self-made inspection procedures;

301. Examine and approve the calibration procedures of internal calibration equipment and self-made inspection procedures;

302. Establish the Periodic Table of Measuring Equipment Calibration and the Periodic Table of Homemade Inspection Tools Calibration;

303. Examine and approve "Periodic Table of Measuring Equipment Calibration" and "Periodic Table of Homemade Inspection Fixtures Calibration";

304. Establish acceptance standards for outside school equipment;

305. Approval of acceptance standards for external school equipment;

306. Complete the sample for verifying the self-made test fixtures;

307. Confirmation of the template used for verification of self-made fixtures;

308. Responsible for the expiration calibration of all the company's measuring instruments, including the calibration of external calibration, internal calibration and homemade inspection tools;

309. Send the equipment to the authorized unit of the Technical supervision Bureau for verification;

310. Verify the internal calibration equipment and self-made inspection tools, and complete the verification records;

311. Confirmation of the verification results of internal calibration equipment and self-made test fixtures;

312. Handling of abnormal check cases;

313. Organize and file all verification records;

314. Make status marks of "qualified", "disabled" and "Limited use" for the calibrated measuring equipment and self-made inspection tools;

315. Check the "Metering Equipment Ledger", "Metering Equipment Personal Tool Card" and physical items regularly to ensure that the account, card and material are consistent;

316. Check the "Self-made tester account", "Self-made Tester Personal Tool Card" and physical objects regularly to ensure that the account, card and material are consistent;

317. Confirm and apply for scrapping of measuring equipment that can no longer be used;

318. From time to time to the production line to check the use of measuring equipment and self-made gauges and whether the labels are missing or missing;

319. Maintain and record all measuring equipment in measuring room;

320. Prepare Monthly Report of Measuring Equipment Inspection;

321. Review the Monthly Report of Measuring Equipment Inspection;

322. Analysis and review of metrological work;

323. Precision measurement

324. Planning of precision measurement work;

325. Arrangement of testing tasks;

326. Regular inspection of the working condition of precision measuring equipment;

327. Test and record the entrusted test items of IQC incoming materials;

328. Testing and recording of entrusted testing items for the first inspection of hardware and plastic parts;

329. Inspection and record of entrusted inspection items for mold evaluation;

330. Testing of self-made test fixtures;

331. Verify QC projection data;

332. Review of precision measurement records;

333. Organize and file measurement and testing records, calculate X and R, and fill in the corresponding forms;

334. Records management

335. Collection, statistics and filing of incoming inspection reports;

336. Process first inspection, inspection, random inspection report collection, sorting and archiving;

337. Collection, statistics and archiving of engineering record forms;

338. Establish monthly reports and monthly comparison reports of engineering records and file them;

339. Sorting, statistics and archiving of abnormal quality notices;

340. Collection, statistics, analysis and filing of concession release material tracking tables;

341. Collection, statistics and archiving of product final inspection reports;

342. QA 掟 Collect, sort out, analyze and file box test and life test reports;

343. Customer inspection and rejection rate statistics and archiving;

344. Filing of customer complaint handling reports;

345. Circulation and filing of contract review records and contract change orders;

346. Circulation management and archiving of project documents (production notice, mold evaluation report, ECN, CER, etc.);

347. Internal distribution and documentation of CER and its templates;

348. Circulation management and filing of internal contact letters;

349. Circulation and filing of faxes sent and received;

350. Document management

351. Print quality system documents of quality department;

352. After printing, according to the provisions of the "Division of Powers and Responsibilities", please sign the relevant personnel;

353. Fill in the "Document Distribution Application" and send it to the document control center;

354. Notify relevant personnel of controlled documents upon receipt;

355. Create/refresh file directories and archive them;

356. Other management

357. Human Resources management;

358. Planning of human resources

359. Determination of qualifications for office

360. Requests for staffing additions

361. Assist the personnel department in recruitment

362. Attendance of department personnel (work card management, overtime application, etc.)

363. Approval of separation of personnel

364. Exit interview

365. Handling of termination formalities

366. Procurement, registration and distribution of departmental office stationery;

367. Handling of other daily affairs;

368. Photocopying of documents and information

369. Distribution of internal contact lists, etc

370. Reception of visitors


Quality management system work

371. Planning of ISO9001 work;

372. Organize the formulation and improvement of the company's quality management system documents;

373. Supervise the implementation and effectiveness of the company's quality management system and report to the superior;

374. Establishment of documentation and data control procedures (formulation/revision, approval, issuance, recovery, filing, etc.);

375. Preparation of quality system documents

376. Prepared in the prescribed form;

377. Prepare operational processes;

378. Preparation of documentation;

379. Prepare the corresponding quality record form;

380. Organize relevant personnel to discuss and countersign;

381. Approval of documents;

382. Issuance of documents;

383. Documentation training;

384. Management of document revisions

385. Receipt of a "Request for Amendment of Documents";

386. Check whether the authorizer has signed and whether the signature is correct;

387. Amend as amended in the "Amendment Request Form";

388. Sign to the relevant personnel in accordance with the provisions of the "Division of Powers and Responsibilities";

389. Document upgrades are issued in accordance with the issuance procedure;

390. Filing of documents and document amendment requests;

391. Distribution of documentation

392. Check whether the document number, amendment number and signature of the document comply with the regulations;

393. Copy and arrange according to the "Application Form for Document Distribution" or the "List of Powers and Responsibilities";

394. Stamp "Controlled" or "uncontrolled" according to the nature of the document and the "Application for Document Distribution";

395. Fill in the distribution record;

396. Distribute, sign for, recycle old documents, log in distribution status;

397. Reissuance of documents

398. Receipt of a request for replacement;

399. Check the correctness of the information and whether it is true;

400. Check for signatures of authorizers of documents;

401. Copy, register, distribute, sign and file;

402. Classification of documents: separate different documents;

403. Archiving of documents and disposal of invalid documents

404. Create file files and update directories in the computer;

405. Put the latest files in the folder, update the directory;

406. Remove obsolete documents;

407. Stamp obsolete documents "invalid";

408. Archiving of invalid documents;

409. Disposal of obsolete documents;

410. Establishment and updating of document overview tables;

411. Quality manual, procedure book, tertiary documents, application for document revision, document release record, document replacement application;

412. Documentation and management of externally controlled documents: national and international standards, industry standards, verification procedures, etc.;

413. Document management of production equipment, tools, fixtures and molds: equipment/instrument manual, equipment list, fixture, tool list, mold list;

414. Classification, archiving and preservation of ISO implementation information;

415. Internal quality system audit

416. Establish internal audit procedures;

417. Make annual internal audit plan;

418. Appoint an internal audit team leader;

419. Prepare each internal audit plan;

420. Approval of internal audit plans;

421. Preparation of checklists;

422. Review of the checklist;

423. Conduct of audits;

424. Review reports and submission of non-conformance reports;

425. Analysis of the causes of nonconformance and follow-up of the implementation of corrective actions;

426. Conclusion of non-conformance reports and submission to management review;

427. Revision of the documents involved;

428. Management review

429. Develop management review procedures;

430. Develop management review plan;

431. Organize the collection of management review materials;

432. Organize management review;

433. Submission of management review report;

434. Follow up and close the non-conformance related to the management review report;

435. Revision of documents involved in management review and planning for further internal audit.

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