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Strengthen the quality control of food production: a comprehensive self-inspection and mutual inspection mechanism from the source to the end


Product quality is the lifeline of the enterprise, all the production work first to ensure quality. In order to ensure that the production quality of products in the whole process of monitoring the state of timely capture of product quality information, quickly find out the causes of defective products to eliminate defects, to achieve the result of not accepting defective products, do not make defective products, do not pass the results of defective products. To achieve timely detection and timely rectification, do not do useless work, to avoid the flow of defective products into the market, thereby reducing production costs, improve product quality, and maintain the positive image of the company.


It applies to every first-line management staff in each section of the workshop in the food factory including each branch factory.


3.1 The director supervises, each team leader executes, the quality control officer is responsible for random check and inspection, and records the result in <workshop self-inspection day form>.

3.2 Quality control should immediately notify the relevant personnel to stop production and processing after finding unqualified products, and notify the relevant person in charge and order rectification.

3.3 Each employee at each position should check each of his/her products.

3.4 The previous process has the right to inspect the next process.


Each workstation employees should do their own work and processed products for each instant full inspection, pick out defective products on the spot to ensure that there is no outflow of defective products; each process operators must be full check their own production of qualified products, accept the product of the staff must be full check the previous process passed over the product, the next process as a customer to deal with, and must not let defective products flow into the next process; the next process full check the previous product; the next process has the right to inspect the next process. The next process all check the quality of the products of the previous process; to achieve the purpose of not making bad, not receiving bad, not passing bad.


5.1 The implementation of self-inspection is a serious and responsible performance.

5.2. Not to implement self-inspection is the performance of sloppy work.

5.3. Employees and departments that do not follow the requirements of self-inspection shall be liable for the appropriate punishment in accordance with the loss situation.


Whether the shape and size of the product meet the requirements, whether there is any foreign matter on the surface of the product, the weight of the product, and whether the packing date of the product is accurate and meets the requirements.


7.1 Self-inspection method: visual inspection

The method of mutual inspection: visual inspection

7.2 The purpose of self-inspection: to confirm that the products produced by this process comply with the standards

7.3 The results of self-inspection: to meet the production standard requirements of the product flow to the next process, does not meet the requirements of immediate rework or find the responsible person to fill in the loss of single

7.4 Self-inspection reference standard: confirm that the production of products against the operating instructions are all in line with standard requirements


8.1 Each position of the staff should be responsible for their own results first, with the next process is the customer's idea of the concept of ideas, in order to fundamentally ensure the quality of the product; responsible for their own results, the most important form of expression is to produce their own products are responsible for their own inspection to ensure that the product is qualified before flowing into the next process.

8.2 Self-inspection, once found abnormalities should be immediately reported to the competent leadership and quality control, requiring the responsibility of the relevant personnel to immediately rectify rework. Nonconforming products can never flow into the next process, to thoroughly find the real reason and improve the countermeasures, if it belongs to the responsibility of the previous process, we should immediately return to the previous process, thoroughly dig out the reasons for the poor process, and rectify in place.

8.3 Check out the defective products should be placed in the designated storage of defective products area, and make a mark, to be placed neatly, and record the number of defective products in each section and the reasons.


9.1 For the loss caused by the lack of seriousness of self-inspection, the responsible person shall bear all the losses, and the shift supervisor and the director shall bear the joint responsibility to be punished accordingly.

9.2 For filling in the data of reported losses should be true and credible, and the existence of errors should be dealt with seriously.

9.3 Each team should strictly and truthfully fill in the self-inspection of the number of defective products and analysis of the causes, and in the morning meeting every day for the propaganda, the self-inspection of poor employees and teams put forward criticism and corrective comments, and self-inspection and mutual pick up to do a good job of praising the employees, prompting each employee on the defective products of the reported loss of data clear, so that we can work together to make the product quality to 100% qualified. So that each employee clearly recognize the importance of quality, instill in everyone qualified quality is the bottom line and the goal of our work.

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