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TPM-Total Plant Maintenance Management

1. What is TPM management?

Answer: In the management of TPM (Total Productive Maintenance - Total Productive Maintenance) is to improve the comprehensive efficiency of the enterprise's equipment as the goal, to the production of the whole system for the process of preventive maintenance, based on full participation in equipment maintenance and maintenance activities.

2. What are the conditions for enterprises to successfully promote TPM?


1) The full commitment and enthusiasm of the top leadership, strong support;.

2) Design a good TPM promotion plan and start the procedure.

3) Establishing an employee performance appraisal and incentive mechanism linked to rewards.

4) Create a good TPM corporate culture.

3.What are the basic concepts of TPM?


First, the physical improvement of personnel.

The second is the physical improvement of equipment.

The third is the physical improvement of the enterprise.

4. TPM's three “full” refers to what? What is the relationship between the three “full”?

A: The three “full” is full efficiency, full system, full participation; full participation as the basis, full system as a carrier, full efficiency as the goal.

5. TPM promotion system in the traditional five pillars (5 pillars) is what? What are the other 3 pillars of the common 8 pillars?

A: Autonomous maintenance, planned maintenance, individual improvement, MP activities, education and training are the traditional five pillars. The common eight pillars also include quality maintenance, indirect services, safety and health.

6. What are the three effective tools for TPM team activities?

A: activity boards, meetings (regular group meetings), OPL (a little course).

7. What is the necessity of TPM activity board in group activities?

A: The activity board is a guide for the group's action, and you can understand the status of the activity through the board.

8. What is the purpose of implementing TPM?


(1), equipment standardized management; (2), equipment standardized management; (3), equipment standardized management; (4), equipment standardized management.

(2), to maximize the effectiveness of the equipment (long cycle, the highest overall efficiency OEE).

(3), from the decision makers to ordinary employees think that the condition of the equipment is related to their own; (3), from the decision makers to ordinary employees think that the condition of the equipment is related to their own.

(4), improve the quality of the whole staff, the formation of a virtuous cycle.

(5), active maintenance-oriented, and gradually realize zero accidents, zero defects, zero failure; (6), active maintenance-oriented, and gradually realize zero accidents, zero defects, zero failure.

(6), reduce the cost of equipment maintenance and repair.

(7), improve the quality of maintenance.

(8), with the best spare parts reserves to maximize the needs of the device.

9、Autonomous maintenance activities are?

A: The activities undertaken by the production and operation departments to prevent equipment deterioration.

10, the purpose of independent maintenance?

A: To create the best condition of equipment, tools, workplaces, and offices, and to train expert technicians in production.

11、Definition of defect?

A: The cause of equipment failure or quality problems and other losses is called defects.

12、What is the most basic work of equipment maintenance?

A: cleaning, lubrication, fastening, leakage.

13, what are the classification of inspection?

A: daily inspection, regular inspection, special inspection, precision inspection.

14、Difficult parts mainly include which aspects?

A: Difficult parts include: cleaning difficult parts, inspection difficult parts, difficult parts of the operation, oil injection difficult parts.

15, what is the cleaning and inspection activities?

A: By cleaning, spot checking the site, find out the unreasonable and improve, restore the activities.

16, point of inspection in the 5 sense is what?

Answer: ask, smell, see, touch, listen to

17、Initial cleaning activities?

A: Clearly each piece of equipment to take charge of the person, remove the source of pollution at the same time, to find the reasons for the occurrence of unreasonable, in the cleaning will find many places that are not easy to clean, to consider making the appropriate tools.

18, what is a fixed-point photo?

A: It is before and after the improvement of the same equipment in the same place, the same angle to take pictures, compare the situation before and after the improvement.

19, why do you say that the failure is caused by human beings?

A: The ultimate failure is caused by the human way of thinking and behavioral errors.

20, organizing activities refers to?

A: All items in the workplace are clearly separated into necessary and unnecessary items.

21, the purpose of organizing activities?

A: To remove unnecessary items and store necessary items in a designated location that is easy to find/convenient and practical.

22. What does the activity of reorganization mean?

A: To designate and mark the place of storage and the number of necessary items, and to store them neatly so that they can be easily found and used.

23. What is the method of reorganization?


1) 3 fixed (fixed point, fixed capacity, fixed quantity) activities; 2) the use of goods in the current condition; 3) the use of goods in the current condition; 4) the use of goods in the current condition.

2) Using the item status board, anyone can easily understand the item status.

3) Clear identification of area lines.

24. What is the concept of fixed point?

A: The items are placed at the appropriate point, stacked in the correct place, that is, a clear place marking.

25, the concept of fixed capacity?

A: with what container, posture, color, determine the name of the item clear identification.

26, the concept of quantitative?

A: Determine the specific number of items (such as the maximum amount, the minimum amount) / height of the clear identification.

27, 6S activities in the cleaning refers to?

A: Continuous cleaning activities to maintain a clean state of organization and rectification.

28, 6S activities in the cleaning refers to?

A: Maintaining the state of organization, organization, cleaning.

29, equipment operation and maintenance should be in accordance with the “cross operation method”, the specific content is?

A: cleaning, lubrication, adjustment, fastening, anti-corrosion

30, equipment operation should be “four no”, which “four no”?

A: no over-temperature, no over-pressure, no over-speed, no overloading.

31, the operator should master the “three good four will” what is the main content?


Three good: good management equipment, good equipment, repair equipment; four will: will use, will be maintained.

Four will: will use, will maintain, will check, will troubleshooting

32, equipment lubrication management to strictly implement the “five three filter” system, “five three filter” specific meaning?


Five: fixed person, fixed point, fixed quality, fixed quantity, fixed time.

Three filters: from the oil vat to the post storage drum, from the post storage drum to the oil pot, from the oil pot to the equipment refueling point.

33, equipment maintenance should adhere to the “three no shift” principle, “three no shift” meaning?

A: does not meet the quality standards do not shift, there is no maintenance records do not shift, safety and health is not qualified do not shift

34、What is the purpose of TPM group activities?

A: First, to reconcile the enterprise and personal desires and pursuit of activities to achieve business performance, personal satisfaction to achieve the goal, to achieve their own pursuits; second is to play the role of the leader.

35、What is natural deterioration?

A: Natural deterioration refers to the use of equipment, although the correct method, but with the passage of time, the equipment has undergone physical changes, the initial performance began to decline.

36、What is forced deterioration? Forced deterioration can be controlled?

A: Forced deterioration refers to the staff did not operate in accordance with the due method, artificially prompted the deterioration. Such as should be refueled at the oil is not refueled, or although refueling but the amount of too little or too long a cycle. Forced deterioration can be controlled.

37、How are the objectives of group activities set?

A: The group's goals should first be connected with the company, the plant's goals; group goals should be more specific; should be more challenging to strive for; goals should be determined by the group members of their own accord.

38, how to eliminate the loss of business existence?


One is to identify the defects that are prone to losses in advance and eliminate them to prevent losses;.

The second is that potential defects should be treated as defects, and strive to eliminate this defect.

39, the significance of autonomous maintenance?

A: The TPM team's full participation in the maintenance activities called “full participation in the autonomous maintenance activities. Here are two meanings: their own equipment by their own management; become an expert equipment operator.

40, independent maintenance activities, their own equipment, how to manage?

A: To be able to take charge of their own equipment for daily inspection, oiling, fastening, simple parts replacement and repair, early detection of anomalies, precision inspection.

41、Ability to become an expert equipment operator?

A: The ability to detect equipment abnormalities; the ability to take recovery measures for abnormal phenomena; the ability to determine benchmarks; and the ability to maintain equipment management.

42、What are the 6 irrationalities in the initial cleaning of the first stage of autonomous maintenance?


1) Removal of micro-defects and contaminants.

2)Preparation of basic conditions.

3)Finding of difficult parts; and

4) Searching for the source of occurrence.

5)The search of unwanted and non-urgent products.

6) Search for unsafe points

43, what is organized?

A: Tidying up all the items in the workplace, clearly distinguish between necessary and unnecessary items, necessary items are placed in the designated place, unnecessary items are registered and placed in the custody of the place or disposed of.

44. What is reorganization?

A: Tidying up is to organize the necessary goods, can be standardized for the custody of the goods, a clear indication of where it is, what items, how much, etc., no matter who looks at it can be seen at a glance.

45、What is the purpose of cleaning?

A: The purpose of cleaning is to remove potential mental deficiencies (such as indifference, blindness, ignorance) from the perspective of the environment, and to believe that you can do what you want to do well.

46、What is the meaning of 5S in TPM activities?


Organize: to be and not to be, a stay and a discard.

Tidying up: scientific layout, access to fast;

Cleaning: remove garbage, beautify the environment.

Cleaning: form a system and carry it through; and

Literacy: comply with the system, develop good habits.

47、What are the six main sources of occurrence?

A: Including pollution sources, defect sources, failure sources, hazard sources, waste sources, bad sources.

48. What is the purpose of “2step” two-stage activities to solve the sources and difficult parts?

A: To create a comfortable working environment, reduce the workload of the operator, improve the causes of failures and losses, and increase productivity by improving the sources of occurrence and difficult parts.

49. What is planned maintenance?

A: Planned maintenance is an activity to improve equipment reliability through preventive maintenance with full participation of the maintenance department.

50、What is the meaning of 4W2H often used in the activities?


WHO: Who will do it.

WHEN: when to do;

WHERE: where to do it; and

WHY: Why do it; HOW: How to do it; and

HOW: How to do it.

HOWMUCH/MANY to what extent?

51, visual Kanban strategy is what?

A: Visual Kanban strategy refers to the normal and abnormal state of the item storage method at a glance, you can visually manage the standardized activities of the item storage method.

52、What is TPM autonomous maintenance phase 1 initial cleaning activities?

A: TPM independent maintenance of the first phase of the initial cleaning activities refers to the environment, equipment, such as cleaning at the same time, the search for unreasonable points, that is, the cleaning here contains the meaning of point inspection. Guangzhou Jinghongyi Enterprise Management Consulting Co.

53、Why should we understand the structure and function of the equipment we are responsible for before cleaning activities?

A: Because only before the activity to understand and familiarize themselves with the equipment in order to better find unreasonable in the activity, while preventing problems or accidents in the activity to ensure safety.

54. What is the core content of the initial cleaning activities?

A: The implementation of the initial cleaning, find unreasonable items; proposed unreasonable to improve.

55、What is the purpose of fixed-point photography?


1) The group can gain a sense of accomplishment and increase their confidence by comparing the before and after examples.

2)It can be shown to the leader when TOP diagnosis is conducted.

56. What is the purpose of making a benchmark book?

A: In order to maintain the results of the activities and maintain the condition of the site. Maintenance management keeps the site in good condition and prevents the site from reverting to the previous state when doing phase activities.

57、How many main aspects are included in the diagnosis of the first stage of autonomous maintenance?


1) The condition of the existing objects on the site.

2)Confirmation of the management of movable boards; and

3) the situation of personnel.

58, 6S in the cleaning and initial cleaning activities in the cleaning what is the difference?

A: 6S in the cleaning is mainly on the equipment, environmental cleanup, the initial cleaning contains unreasonable points to find.

59, what is OPL education?

A: OPL is a little course, also known as “10 minutes of education”, refers to a project point on a piece of paper to organize the group members as the object of 5 to 10 minutes of education, lifting the doubt point of the education method. The education is mainly centered on the point of doubt.

60. What kind of effect is to be achieved by carrying out the activities of countermeasures for the difficult parts of the second-stage occurrence sources?


1) The program content of the activity becomes less and less.

2)The period of group activities is getting longer and longer.

3)The time for each cleaning activity is getting shorter and shorter.

61. What is the difference between making a stage plan and making a monthly plan?

A: The stage plan does not have to determine the person in charge of each item, the monthly plan should be detailed and specific, determine the person in charge of each task, determine the specific date, pay attention to try not to be through from the beginning of the month to the end of the month.

62, the depth of Why-Why analysis to prevent reoccurrence of countermeasures?


1) technical reasons: design defects, manufacturing defects, installation defects until the appearance of;.

2) Management reasons: are there standards? Is the standard sufficient? Understand the standard? Standard implementation capacity? Standards implementation evaluation?

63, a brief description of the failure - degradation - recovery relationship?

A: Deterioration is gradually approaching the process of failure; recovery is the process of returning to normal, in the process of deterioration, the strength of the item is lower than the stress load will fail.

64, what is the 3M activities?

A: Preventive maintenance (PM - PreventiveMaintenance), predictive maintenance (PM - PredictiveMaintenance), improved maintenance (CM - CorrectiveMaintenance) referred to as 3M activities.

65, what is preventive maintenance?

A: Through regular inspections, to maintain the state of equipment without failure.

66, what is predictive maintenance?

A: The use of precision instruments, diagnosis and analysis of the state of equipment, predict the degree of deterioration, equipment failure before taking measures to maintain.

67, what is improved maintenance?

A: Regardless of whether the equipment is defective or not, in order to improve equipment reliability, maintainability, safety and other improvement activities.

68. What is the core of CM activities?

A: The core is to check and find out the problems in the unit equipment without omission, and to focus on the improvement activities with the participation of all the staff.

69. What are the key points of cleaning activities?

A: First of all, the cleaner of the activities of the region to personally clean one by one; to thoroughly clean the dirt; cleaning to find the root cause of pollution.

70, equipment cleaning inspection should pay attention to matters?

A: cleaning inspection should pay attention to: research and development of cleaning tools; with the occurrence of source of countermeasures to solve parallel operations; to determine the order of cleaning.

71, 6S activities in the habituation (literacy) refers to?

A: Skilled organizing, reorganizing, cleaning, cleaning, safety, no matter what time can be correctly practiced, the implementation of the system.

72, what are the two main directions of the management of pollution sources?

A: One direction is source control, and the other direction is protection to prevent the spread of pollution.

73、How to effectively solve the source of cleaning difficulties?

A: There are two main directions, one is to control the source, so that these difficult to clean parts are not easy to be contaminated, such as the equipment to install protective cover; the second is the design and development of special cleaning tools, so that it is difficult to clean into easy to clean.

74, TPM activities should be based on positive incentives, or negative incentives, why?

A: Should be based on positive incentives. Because people are happy to be praised and encouraged, encouragement can make people's potential to get more excited.

75, equipment inspection, to determine what elements?

A: should determine the inspection area, route, cycle, key inspection parts, inspection content requirements.

76, briefly describe the order of cleaning activities?


1) before the cleaning activities: preparation, planning, investigation of the object of the equipment, preparation of tools and safety education.

2) in the activity: unreasonable search;

3) after the activity: set up a record of each person to find unreasonable, discuss the development of countermeasures, summarize the problems in this activity, and the next activity to prepare matters.

77、What is the purpose of making a cleaning point check benchmark?

A: The purpose is to maintain the results of the activities, to maintain the state of the site, through the maintenance of management, to keep the site good, to prevent the site from doing stage activities when the site is restored to its former appearance.

78、The process of rectification activities?


1)The list of necessary goods on site is listed.

2)Decide the storage place according to the frequency of use.

3)Fixed point photography, location marking; and

4) Three fixed (fixed point, fixed capacity, fixed quantity) management.

5)Establishment of improvement implementation plan.

6) Improvement implementation. Lean Production Promotion Center.

79、What are the main contents of 2step activities centered on equipment?

A: Activities centered on thorough zero-leakage activities to improve the source of occurrence and difficult areas, and activities centered on ensuring the simplicity and convenience of operation.

80. What is the abbreviation of LCC, what does it mean, and what are the specific contents?

A: LCC is an acronym for LifeCycleCost, meaning equipment life cycle costs; including equipment in the expected life cycle, for its demonstration, development, production, use, maintenance and decommissioning disposal and material recovery of the sum of all costs paid.

81, TPM activities in why TOP diagnosis?


1) the team to TOP to show the opportunity to achieve results;.

2) The opportunity for TOP to motivate and reward the group.

82, rectification of the implementation of the key points?


1)Determine the place of custody of items, which should be easily accessible;.

2)Tidy up the facilities of the storage place;.

3) the implementation of three identification of items; and

4) Standardized maintenance management.

83、Why is the countermeasure for the difficult part of the source of occurrence carried out as a phase?

A: Because it is generally not easy to improve the problematic areas identified in the first phase of TPM self-maintenance, and it takes time to investigate the causes, it is implemented as a phase.

84. What is the purpose of stage diagnosis?


1) To show the process of group activities and the results achieved.

2)To point out the deficient points and the parts that need to be improved; and

3)To promote the group TPM activities and finally make the group reach the requirements of the stage.

85、What is the difference between OPL education and our current traditional education?

A: The current traditional education is a one-way education, while OPL education is a two-way education in which employees make their own teaching materials and educate each other, explaining what they think is needed.

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