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Strategies for applying quality thinking in workplace practice

Quality thinking refers to a way of thinking that we usually face problems in our work. In our work, we always encounter a variety of problems or difficulties. What kind of thinking we adopt to face and solve them depends on the behavior and habits we usually develop. Usually everyone has their own behavioral habits, and style of dealing with problems. So, for the same problem, some people deal with it cleanly, while others drag their feet and are ineffective. If you leave out the technicalities, the difference lies in the way each person thinks.  

What is quality thinking? I would like to elaborate from the following aspects:

1. Zero and one of the game

When we encounter product defects or defective quantity, people often ask how many defective quantity? How many exceed the AQL? Can we take another sample test to see how many defective quantities there are?

The intention behind the questioner is to look for a breakthrough from the change in the size of these quantities, and to find a reason for releasing the unqualified batch of products.

In this kind of thinking, quality is the number of defective quantity of more or less.  But in the quality of thinking, only qualified and unqualified, only can and can not, either 0 or 1.

As for 1 and 100 although the difference between 99 data orders of magnitude, but in the quality of thinking is a meaning. Imagine, we think a thousand products in a defective product outflow is very normal, but in the hands of the customer he happened to buy this one defective product, for him to our products is 100% bad.

We usually work is the same, think the work process out of a mistake is very normal, but for our next process for your work results is 100% unqualified.

Learn to use quality thinking to look at their own work, the quality of their own work delivery is responsible for strict requirements for their own, rigorous treatment of each work process, to ensure that their work results in the delivery of zero error, which is a manifestation of quality thinking.

2. System thinking

The so-called systems thinking, means that when we deal with the problem, we should stand on the other side of the perspective, the opposite perspective or the whole process, or the synthesis of all the environmental factors at the time to analyze and judge the problem.

Analyze the problem in an all-round way without leaving any dead ends in order to consider the causes and countermeasures thoroughly and solve the problem at once.

We should not be in a hurry, hot-headed or one-sided view, more dimensional thinking, more positional discernment, will make us more mature to deal with the problem.

3. Trace the root cause

In the process of analyzing the problem, when we layer out several reasons, we should analyze each reason step by step in depth. Using the 5Why analysis method, the initial manifestation of the problem to ask why, until we find the reason behind the reason.

This way of thinking is a manifestation of quality thinking.  We don't jump to conclusions, we don't make hasty conclusions. Either we don't talk about it, or if we do, we have to get to the bottom of it and turn it upside down.

Of course, we need to use some of the common quality tools (characteristics of the key factor diagram, 5Why analysis, etc.) to guide us to the depth of the truth of the reasons close to the layer.

4. Logical Thinking

In the process of solving quality problems, we emphasize the logical relationship between causes and countermeasures, which is also an important reflection of quality thinking.

Some engineers provide 8D report, the reason is that the molding machine is not stable output of defective products, the countermeasure is to increase the molding inspection action.

Obviously, there is no logical relationship between the cause and the countermeasure. The cause is equipment failure, and the countermeasure is to use people to intercept. This way of dealing with the problem will only make the problem repeat itself, because the root cause is still there unresolved.

5. Based on facts

Whether it is the work process or the process of getting along with people, we must emphasize the factual basis for the benchmark.

Do not deliberately exaggerate, do not exaggerate, without personal emotions and feelings. Respect the objective factors of things or work, based on factual descriptions, using data, pictures or on-site investigation to argue the nature of the event. When dealing with quality issues, follow the principle of three present, objective and fair process, is precisely a manifestation of quality thinking.

There are many more quality thinking, the above five are what we should have and follow in our work.

With quality thinking, we can effectively improve the quality of our work and enhance our work efficiency.

In this context, the quality of our products will naturally improve. Have you learned?

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