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Visualization Management and Placement Management: Differences, Similarities, Characteristics, and Related In-depth Analysis

Are visual management and location management the same thing? What are the characteristics and relationships in each application?



Visual management refers to the use of IT systems and other means to enable managers to effectively grasp corporate information, to achieve management transparency, so that the management effect can penetrate into the human resources, supply chain, customer management and other aspects of the enterprise, and can quickly find the existing problems.


Location management is a scientific management method to scientifically analyze and study the relationship between people, things and places in the production site to achieve the best combination state.

It takes the scientific placement of things in the site as the premise, takes the complete information system as the medium, and aims to realize the effective combination of people and things. Through the arrangement and rectification of the production site, it removes the unnecessary items in the production, puts the needed items in the prescribed position, and makes them readily available, so as to promote the civilized and scientific management of the production site. To achieve efficient production, quality production, safe production.


Differences in problem-solving methods

A concept often used in fixed management is information media (also the manifestation or realization method of visual management), the so-called information media is the information carrier that plays the role of guidance, control and confirmation in the process of combining people and things, things and places.

There are many kinds of goods used in production, the specifications are complex, they can not be placed in the hands of the operator, how to find, need some information to guide;

Many items in the flow is not return, their flow direction and quantity also need information to guide and control;

In order to facilitate the search and avoid mixing, information is also needed to confirm.

Therefore, in location management, perfect, accurate and eye-catching information media is very important, which affects the effective combination of people, things and places, which also reflects the inseparable application of location management and visual management.

According to the role of information media in location management, information media can be divided into two categories:

1) Guide information to tell people "where the thing is", to facilitate the combination of people and things.

For example, the ledger of various items in the workshop is a kind of guiding information. In the ledger, each type of item has its own number, which is coded according to the principle of "four positioning", "four" refers to the library, area, shelf and bit. With a ledger you can know where certain items are kept. The computer management of ledger can bring into play the function of computer automatic retrieval, so that the guidance of information is faster.

For example, the fixed layout plan is also an important guide information, which visually indicates the location of the place or area of storage, and people are guided to the place of the required items by the information marked by the plan.

2) Confirmation information This is the information needed to avoid confusion and misplacement of items.

For example, signs, signs, and color markers in various areas tell people "this is the place." The different marks of the waste storage area and the qualified product storage area can avoid the quality accidents of mixed numbers and materials, finished products and semi-finished products.

The cards of various items and the racks and frames on which the cards are hung are also an important confirmation information. On the cards, the name, specifications, quantity, quality, etc. of the item are stated, telling people: "Here is the item", these cards are equivalent to the verification information of the item.

This requires the information medium to meet the five requirements, that is, five ideal states:

1, the place is clearly marked;

2. The region is mapped;

3. Complete location ledger;

4, items numbered in order;

5. All information specifications.


The purpose of visual management is to create a simple, transparent and clear work site, and display and emphasize the management objects and management priorities in a way that strengthens visual identification. That is to say, materials, tools, equipment, areas, etc., which need to be strengthened management or need to be clear to everyone, are identified in an obvious way, so that everyone on the site knows "what is there", "what is where", "how much", "what state", "how to control".

Fixed management is to highlight the efficiency, that is, to solve the relationship between people and items, people and places, and items and places by adjusting the location of the items placed on the site, strengthen the connection between each other, so as to achieve the standardization of the production site, management civilization, and achieve the purpose of efficient production, high-quality production, and safe production.

From the perspective of management, the two are not equivalent, but in the actual enterprise application process, the two are often related to each other, for example, sometimes the fixed object will be explained in a visual way, and sometimes the managed object must first fix the position or state before visual management, so it is often possible to combine the two together. Develop the same management manual to strengthen site management.




Kanban is a board that indicates the basic conditions such as the place where the items are placed, such as where is its specific location? What to do, how much, who is responsible, and even who will manage important projects, let people see clearly. "Manage with your eyes," a management tool that allows you to identify anomalies and problems at a glance.


Signal lamp

In the production site, the first-line management personnel must always know whether the operator or the machine is in normal operation, whether it is in normal operation, the signal light is a tool used to notify the management personnel when an anomaly occurs in the process.

The types of signal lights include:

① Sound signal lamp

Suitable for material request notification, when the material in the process is used up, or when the supply and demand signal lights up, the loudspeaker will notify the transport personnel immediately and timely supply.

② Abnormal signal light

Generally, two kinds of signal lights such as red or yellow are set. When parts are used up, defective products and machine faults occur, the staff will immediately press the red light button, and the production management staff and the factory director will stop their work and go to the scene immediately to investigate and deal with the anomaly. After the exception is eliminated, the management staff can turn off the signal light and continue to maintain the operation and production.

③ Running indicator light

Check the operation, starting, changing or stopping of the machine that shows the state of the equipment. When it stops, it also shows why it stopped.

④ Progress light

It is relatively common to install in the assembly line, in the manual or semi-automatic production line, and the interval of each process is about 1-2 minutes for the control of the assembly beat to ensure the output.


Operation flow chart

A concise instruction book, also called a step chart, that describes the priorities and sequence of operations and is used to guide production operations. In general workshops, especially those with complex processes, there must be an operation flow chart in Kanban management.

After the raw materials come in, the first process may be to sign, the second process may be to point materials, and the third process may be to convert, or convert, which is called the operation flow chart.


Zone line

Area line is to place semi-finished products or channels and other areas, with lines to draw it, mainly used for sorting and rectification, abnormal causes, stop line failures.


Production management board

The production management board is a representation board that reveals the production status and progress of the production line, and records the production performance, equipment start-up rate, abnormal causes (shutdown, failure), etc.

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