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Refined operation management realizes cost reduction and efficiency

Project Background and Objectives

According to the annual planning, seizing the fast-growing market demand in 2011 and maintaining the competitive advantage in the industry are the expectations of the top management as well as the major challenges of operation management.

Under the double pressure of internal and external environment Challenges faced by the enterprise:

1. How to consolidate and maintain the leading position in the industry and market

2. How to realize GP% growth, effective control of manufacturing costs will become an important source of contribution

3. How to improve the comprehensive efficiency of manufacturing and effectively reduce internal consumption, to achieve effective control of manufacturing costs

4. How to maximize the use/improve the existing capacity and internal synergies to meet the needs of customers for high growth and rapid response to demand.

The increasing competition in the market makes enterprises in the operation of the refinement of the urgent need for change.

Starting from the elements that affect the profitability of the enterprise, to improve revenue, reduce costs and control expenses, and in this way, to find areas of improvement, and further break down the work plan.

Based on the close cooperation with CMPG in the early stage, it was determined that manufacturing management (cost, production, quality) and customer service guarantee system were the key to enhance CMPG's competitive advantage.

Formed key company programs for key improvement areas and set expected targets

Promoted operational change activities and 4 company-level management programs to ensure the implementation of business strategies.

Steps to be taken at each stage of the project

Key Management Initiatives

Initiative 1: Fine-tuning manufacturing cost management

Initiative 2: Production Management Optimization

Initiative 3: Continuous improvement of product quality

Overall Project Effectiveness, Benefits

Project deliverables

Suggested Direction for Continuous Business Optimization in the New Year

Consolidate the results of Phase 1-3 project, and at the same time put forward optimization proposals to deepen the change based on the new year's strategic plan of the enterprise.

Enhance the ability of comprehensive operation planning and coordination

l Establish a platform for corporate innovation and training incentives

l Grasp future development opportunities based on customer orientation.

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