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Objectives of OEE

At the heart of OEE is a comprehensive and objective view of the current state of productivity in the production environment. This enables organizations to gain insight into whether their equipment and processes are operating near their maximum potential. By taking into account factors such as equipment availability, performance efficiency and production quality, OEE is able to present the overall efficiency of the manufacturing process.

The power of OEE is that it systematically reveals room for improvement. By analyzing the factors that affect OEE, including downtime, speed loss and defects, bottlenecks, inefficiencies and areas for improvement can be identified. This data-based approach allows companies to make informed decisions about process optimization and resource allocation.

OEE is also a compass for continuous improvement. By continually monitoring and improving OEE, manufacturing organizations can ensure that their economic performance continues to improve. OEE not only reflects current productivity, but also helps to set reasonable performance targets and evaluate the impact of improvements over time.

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