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WMS Design Essentials for Different Industries

First, the third-party logistics industry

1、Multi-shipper support: Comprehensive support for multi-shipper management requirements, you can establish a full range of management for different shippers, and effective for a large number of different shippers to provide differentiated warehouse management services, the definition of different operational strategies.

2、Multi-warehouse support: related warehouses can achieve linked operations to build an integrated logistics service system; centralized deployment, global perspective, all types of business can be global mastery and local coordination to support the standardization of business operations.

3, intelligent strategy support: support for a variety of intelligent strategy definition, such as shelving strategy, picking strategy, replenishment strategy, wave strategy, inventory strategy, ABC strategy, out of the warehouse strategy, etc.; when the warehouse operation instructions to reach the warehouse, the system can be based on the pre-established strategy, the automatic preparation of the implementation of the program; optimization of the warehouse operation line, optimize the use of resources, to solve the operational bottleneck.

4, warehouse operation support: according to receiving, shelving, replenishment, moving, sorting, packaging, shipping, inventory and other warehouse operation mode is subdivided, through the intelligent task allocation, the handheld terminal automatically receives the job task, the operator scanning operations, real-time data interaction with SAP.

5、Performance assessment support: the system according to the receipt, picking, inventory, warehouse processing and other processes will be subdivided into warehouse operations; operation tasks are automatically assigned to the corresponding operator to operate; the system automatically records each employee's operating logs, to provide a basis for KPI assessment. The system can provide real-time inventory data, support for part of the receipt, part of the picking, part of the shipment, return, return picking and other special operational requirements.

6, query support: the system provides a powerful multi-dimensional inventory query function to meet the different roles of the different needs of inventory management. Whether it is receiving, shelving, picking and shipping, or the warehouse transfer, adjustment and freezing, the system provides a complete record of inventory transactions. At the same time, the system provides comprehensive product traceability to further ensure the safety of business activities and inventory accuracy.

7, inventory support: warehouse personnel need only against the inventory list (can be open, dark disk), with a handheld terminal scanning the unique code on the goods position, the product information, review the inventory status, such as: quantity, number of goods, quality status, date of production. Through the scanning code can quickly complete the inventory action, the subsequent system will automatically generate a variety of reports for analysis and statistics.

Second, the pharmaceutical industry

Pharmaceutical industry can be subdivided into the pharmaceutical industry and pharmaceutical distribution industry. Both logistics system construction has its own focus: pharmaceutical industry to large-capacity injections, tablets, capsules, raw materials, mainly from the production, handling, palletizing, warehousing, storage, to the full-automatic mode of operation out of the warehouse; pharmaceutical distribution industry covers Western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, medical equipment, to reduce inventory, fast turnover as the goal, more diverse picking mode of operation and high-efficiency sorting mode.

1, the whole drug lot management

WMS system must characterize and refine the management of each batch of drugs, carry out various operations with drug batch as the object of management, and support FIFO, designated batch number out of storage, non-mixed batch out of storage, multiple batch number out of storage, etc., to ensure the strict control and traceability of drug batch number.

2、Pharmaceutical quality management throughout the operation

Not only do we need independent and perfect quality management function modules, but the WMS system should also reflect the requirements of quality control in each operation link, such as sampling and delivery, pen-by-pen acceptance, two-person acceptance, near-expiry date management, etc., so as to ensure that the strict control of drug quality is carried out throughout each operation link.

3、Pharmaceutical certification support

All aspects of the WMS system should comply with and follow the international and domestic management standards, to meet the requirements of the enterprise for pharmaceutical GMP, GSP, FDA, EMEA and other certifications.

4、Pharmaceutical electronic regulatory code interface

Drug electronic regulatory code is the national implementation of electronic monitoring of the unique identification given to each piece of medicine, the WMS system must be realized with the electronic regulatory code system real-time interface platform, in the production, circulation of the various links to achieve the drug code, drug code information query and drug code information upload, to meet the requirements of the “two-way traceability”.

Third, machinery manufacturing industry

The machinery manufacturing industry can be subdivided into instrumentation, transmissions, motor components, inverters, standard parts and other subsectors according to the commodity object, and the typical characteristics of its logistics system are automatic material supply, automatic production, automatic storage, automatic storage, and automatic warehousing, through the automated production line to docking automatic three-dimensional warehouses, combined with palletizing robots, AGV and other machinery and equipment to achieve the full integration of automation and intelligent factory logistics.

The main features of WMS system in the machinery manufacturing industry are:

1、Close integration of factory logistics and warehousing logistics

Factory logistics and warehousing logistics are closely integrated through fully automated equipment, the management object of WMS system is not only the warehouse, but also extends to the production line, line warehouse, workstations, etc., and the inbound and outbound business processes and inventory management are applied in a wider scope and a broader space.

2、Satisfy lean production

WMS system and production planning scheduling, production scheduling management, production process control, etc. Seamlessly, in the raw materials, semi-finished products, finished goods production out of the warehouse, the remaining return, sales out of the warehouse, etc., the WMS system to carry out intelligent control, to eliminate waste, to achieve uninterrupted workflow, to meet the requirements of lean production.

3、Equipment task intelligent control

Machinery manufacturing industry to achieve automated factory logistics with a diversity of machinery and equipment, WMS system should be built on a unified technology platform with WCS equipment control system, through the integration and optimization of equipment tasks, flow control, dynamic path allocation, path optimization, through the effective connection of equipment work sequence and balanced load of equipment, to achieve stable and reliable intelligent optimization of automated factory logistics.

Fourth, the retail industry

The retail industry can be divided into B2B and B2C system modes according to the sales mode, and B2B can be further subdivided into hypermarkets, standard supermarkets, convenience stores and other modes. The retail logistics mainly realizes the continuous compression of the inventory mode through automated three-dimensional warehouses, and realizes the fast and accurate sorting mode through high-speed sorting machines, DPS electronic label picking, etc., and achieves the automatic retail logistics and distribution system with high efficiency storage and fast sorting. Logistics and distribution system.

1、Intensive inventory control

WMS system must have diversified inventory strategies to meet the storage strategies of different categories and ABC classified commodities, and abstract the commodities from the attributes of industry, owner, promotion, etc. at the physical level for intensive storage to achieve the core goal of retail logistics of compressing the inventory quantity and accelerating the inventory turnover.

2. High-efficiency distribution fulfillment:

The commodities represented by fresh produce and daily accessories enhance the distribution fulfillment efficiency of retail logistics. WMS system must support diversified sorting modes, different logistics equipments such as RF, light, sorter, etc., and different operation modes such as sowing, picking, whole case, split, etc., to realize B2B distribution with two allocations in one day and B2C distribution with half-day delivery, so as to achieve the core retail logistics goal of fast response and accurate fulfillment.

3. Accurate calculation of logistics rates:

Thin profit and high sales is the business philosophy of retail enterprises, logistics rates in the retail industry has been a strong concern, the WMS system needs to accurately calculate the logistics costs incurred in each link, the united distribution and direct delivery of the organic combination of logistics rates down as a continuous improvement goals and issues.

4、Seamless connection between stores and warehouses:

Through the WMS system information sharing, retail stores can real-time monitoring of the distribution center's order delivery, can take the mode of acceptance-free, reducing the stores and warehouses of the handover workload; distribution centers can be based on the stores commodity configuration display data sharing, in accordance with the order of the store shelves display for the delivery of the categories of shipping picking and packaging, to minimize the store's display workload on the shelves.

5、Combination of push and pull:

For new products, DM goods, special goods, promotional items and other goods can be implemented in the distribution center unified store mode, the rest can be taken based on the safety stock of the automatic ordering mode, the WMS system must be real-time monitoring of inventory and early warning, through a variety of optimization algorithms for real-time analysis and prediction of stores and consumers to demand goods, the organic combination of the supply chain will be pushed and pulled, to maximize the promotion of sales to avoid stock-outs and sales losses. Out-of-stock and sales loss can be avoided.

6. Reverse logistics processing:

In addition to fresh food, the return rate of the retail industry has always been high compared to other industries, we must pay attention to the processing of reverse logistics, the WMS system should have a strong return processing function, the return of goods, defective goods, such as document processing, receiving, inspection, return for supply, storage, disposal and other aspects of the timely processing and response to solve the problem accurately, efficiently and at low cost, and can be effectively traced back.

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