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WMS comprehensive core functionality features

The purpose of a computer-controlled warehouse management system is to independently realize the various functions of warehouse management: receiving, stocking in the right place, inventory management, order processing, picking and distribution control.

WMS will focus on the optimization and effective management of the warehouse execution, while extending to the transportation and distribution plans, and upstream and downstream suppliers and customers of information interaction, thereby effectively improving the warehousing enterprises, distribution centers and production enterprises warehouse execution efficiency and productivity, reduce costs, improve customer satisfaction, thereby enhancing the core competitiveness of enterprises.

WMS generally has the following functional modules: management of separate order processing and inventory control, basic information management, goods flow management, information reporting, receiving management, picking management, inventory management, moving management, printing management and back-office service system.

WMS system can realize the merging and order allocation of different orders from the same customer through the background service program, and carry out unified scheduling and orders for the operations of shelving, picking, replenishment, inventory, and warehouse removal based on PTL (pick to light), RF, and carton labeling, as well as receive real-time feedback data from PTL, RF, and terminal PC. The whole software business and the enterprise warehouse logistics management of each link coincides with the realization of real-time effective control of inventory management.

Here are a few basic WMS functions:

I. Cargo Management

Using the data collector to read the product bar code, query the specific location of the product in the cargo space, (such as X products in the A cargo area B channel C cargo space), to achieve all-round management of the product. Through the terminal or data collector real-time view of the storage of the cargo volume of the cargo space, the size of the space and the maximum capacity of the product, management of the area, capacity, volume and equipment limits of the cargo warehouse.

Second, product quality inspection

Third, product warehousing

From the system to download the task of warehousing to the collector, warehousing scanning one of the bar code on the packaging of the product, enter the corresponding number of collectors, scanning the cargo bar code (if the warehousing task specified in the cargo space, the collector will automatically carry out the cargo space verification), the collection of data uploaded to the system after the completion of the data, the system automatically process the data, the database records the variety of the entry, the number of entry into the database, the entry of the personnel, Quality inspection personnel, cargo space, product production date, shift and all the necessary information, the system and the corresponding cargo space of the product to be added up.

Material Distribution

According to the different cargo positions generated by the ingredients list contains very detailed information about the ingredients, including dosage time, dosage stations, dosage details, dosage quantities, etc., the relevant custodian in the picking can be based on the barcode information to automatically form a warning on the wrong dosage of the details and the number of information can be early warning prompts to greatly improve the efficiency of the warehouse management staff.

V. Product release

Products out of the warehouse custodian with the sales department of the bill of lading, according to the principle of first-in-first-out, from the system to find out the corresponding product data downloaded to the collector, the development of the task of out of the warehouse, to the designated cargo space, the first scanning cargo bar code (if the cargo space is wrong, the collector will be alarmed), and then scanning one of the products of the bar code, if you meet the conditions of the task of out of the warehouse, then enter the number of implementation of the out of the warehouse and to check or record the following Transportation unit and vehicle information (for future product tracking and tracing use), otherwise the collector can alarm prompt.

Sixth, the warehouse returns

According to the actual return situation, scan the bar code of the returned goods, import the system to generate the return form, confirm the return details and accounts of the accounting and so on.

Seven, warehouse inventory

According to the company's system, according to the system to inventory the warehouse, variety of conditions such as the development of inventory tasks, inventory information downloaded to the collector, the warehouse staff by scanning the product bar code to the designated area to enter the number of ways to conduct inventory, the collection of data uploaded to the system after the completion of the inventory report generation.

Eight, inventory warning

In addition, the warehouse link can be based on the actual situation of the enterprise for the total amount of warehouses, each variety of upper and lower cordon, when the number of inventory is close to or beyond the cordon, the alarm prompts, in a timely manner, production, sales and other adjustments to optimize the enterprise's production and inventory.

IX. Quality Traceability

The data accuracy of this link is closely related to the previous operations. According to various attributes such as production date, variety, production team, quality inspectors, batch, etc. on the flow of relevant products for each information point of tracking; but also according to the relevant product attributes, point of operation information on the product upward traceability.

Information query and analysis reports on the basis of this system, you can set up multiple clients as needed, set different permissions for different departments, whether it is the production department, quality control department, sales department, the leadership of the decision-making department can be given the right to query the first time to the relevant production, inventory, sales, and other kinds of reliable information, and can be analyzed data. At the same time, it can generate and print reports in the specified format.

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