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What problems can QMS(Quality Management System) solve?

Focus on solving the outstanding problems of traditional quality management methods:

Lack of effective recording and comprehensive collection of quality data:

Product quality data rely on manual means and methods to record and collect, in the process of quality data summary there are problems such as incomplete data and errors, lack of real data output of product quality.

The quality data of each module is not related:

Throughout the product life cycle, quality information from the quality control process of R & D technology design, supplier management, manufacturing, process inspection, logistics storage, customer service and other links, each link cannot effectively form a series of quality data, resulting in quality information data "island", unable to effectively discover and solve problems in advance.

The "black box" phenomenon of quality management appears:

Lack of systematic analysis tools and digital management decision-making tools for quality management, quality data of the whole value chain of products cannot be clearly displayed, quality data cannot support the company's quality strategic target management, management can not accurately and timely control the company's quality status, and can not support efficient decision-making.

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