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Six Sigma Implementation and Rollout Reference Program

Purpose and scope

1. To establish the advanced management concept of Six Sigma in XX Company and gradually promote Six Sigma management.

2. Promote the sustainable development of the company, gradually form a Six Sigma culture, so that the company's departmental cooperation is smoother, competitiveness is enhanced, and earnings are increased.

3. cultivate a group of backbone personnel who master advanced quality concepts, methods and tools, so that the company's problem-solving level as a whole.

4. Improve quality, reduce company costs, enhance process efficiency, and increase customer satisfaction.

Scope: Applicable to each business and production department of XX Company.

Organizational structure and responsibilities of Six Sigma


MBB (Master Black Belt).

- Responsible for confirming the company's Six Sigma management implementation plan and project benefits and development direction.

- Ensure the strict implementation of Six Sigma management in the company.

- Responsible for the training and development of BB personnel in the company.

- Responsible for project progress checking, reviewing, and closing to meet the company's requirements and needs.

BB (Black Belt).

- Proficient in Six Sigma tools and their application.

- Responsible for Green Belt training and optimizing the functioning of the Six Sigma team in the company.

- Strongly supports the program owner and advocate throughout the program.

- Facilitates, communicates and teaches throughout the program.


- Establishes and maintains broad goals for the improvement program within the scope of responsibility.

- Responsible for identifying and consulting with project resources.

- Resolves issues that arise between team members or outside the team.

- Works with process owners to ensure that the project has a stable conclusion (that the control plan is effective in improving Y).

- Take responsibility for the credibility of the team.

- Utilizes the DMAIC tool to resolve day-to-day issues.

GB (Green Belt\).

- Leads and/or participates in Six Sigma project teams.

- Understands and applies Six Sigma methods and tools.

- Actively performs project activities and tasks.

Project team:

- Comprised of personnel from the relevant functions involved in the project (e.g., technology, production, engineering, purchasing, sales, finance, management, etc.).

- Depending on the nature and scope of the project, the number of people is set at 5-10, and includes people with management responsibility for the process being improved, as well as engineers and technicians.

- Participate in project meetings and cooperate with other members of the team to complete the meeting resolution items and the work arranged by the team leader.

Economic Benefit Evaluation Team:

- The manager of the Cost Control Department is the leader of the team, responsible for accounting for the economic benefits of the Six Sigma program in each division.

- It is responsible for formulating and updating the accounting methods, solving the specific problems in the accounting of project benefits, and evaluating the economic benefits of each project team.

Six Sigma Management Strategic Objectives

1. Establish and implement the Six Sigma management purpose: improve quality, enhance process efficiency, economic efficiency, reduce resource costs, and improve customer satisfaction.

2. The planning period is two years, within this period to establish a full-featured mature six sigma organizational structure.

3. To create a culture of Six Sigma management method: each division opens a Six Sigma management method bulletin board to enhance the corporate culture and strengthen the management concept based on the facts of the data to publicize.

4. Ensure that the company completes no less than nine projects throughout the planning period. Preliminary selection of two to four business units as the object of Six Sigma promotion.

5. Each division to determine a manager level or above as the division to carry out the six sigma project advocate, support the company to carry out the work of six sigma management, take up the six sigma management in the division to promote the heavy responsibility.

6. Initially, no less than two engineers in each division will be selected to participate in Six Sigma Green Belt training to ensure that Six Sigma management is promoted in each division on the basis of the preliminary project, and will gradually expand the scope of the training personnel in the future.

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