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Do you still use QMS when you have ERP?

Many people will ask, our company has ERP/MES and other systems, and contains some quality management functions, is it necessary to QMS? These two dimensions of consideration are different, although some ERP, MES systems contain some QMS functions, but most of the more basic, quality data in different systems are isolated, can not form an effective closed loop, or can only meet part of the quality management business needs.

For example, incoming material inspection is carried out in WMS, process inspection is carried out in MES, and delivery inspection is carried out in ERP. Non-conformity evaluation and subsequent rectification and tracking are carried out by traditional means such as paper or Execl, and there is no statistical analysis or effective coping strategy to be formulated. In short, ERP/MES and other systems are not professional in the field of quality, if you want to do professional quality management, or choose QMS to achieve.

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