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How to choose QMS(Quality Management System)?

1. Ease of Use

The QMS system is mainly used for the production personnel of the workshop manufacturing layer, and the informatization level of the workshop layer personnel in China is generally not high, which requires that the product operation structure of the QMS system should not be too complicated, otherwise it will bring inconvenience to the implementation of the system later.

2. Configurability

Flexibility is very important for software systems, not only to meet the needs of the present, but also to meet the potential needs of the future. Some systems, which should be a dynamically set project, are written dead, so any subsequent changes in the enterprise need to find software service providers to solve, time and money are factors that need to be considered.

3. Information integration strategy

QMS system is an indispensable part of the information system. In the enterprise information system, there are also ERP, OA and other systems. When the enterprise develops to a certain extent, it will definitely need to integrate these systems. Therefore, enterprises pay attention to integration and scalability requirements when selecting a QMS system from the beginning.

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