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What WMS solves for companies

First, the management mode systematization

Scientific goods category management is the primary purpose of warehouse management, the modern size of small and medium-sized enterprises in the warehouse management, there are many have paid a huge amount of manpower, financial resources, and the use of small and medium-sized warehouse management software, not only saves the manpower and financial resources, but also improves the efficiency of the warehouse management, so that the warehouse category management is easy to realize.

Second, inventory management clarity

WMS calculation and recording functions can make the number of statistics easy to realize, warehouse managers in the daily process of purchase of goods as long as the purchase of goods registration, and in the process of shipment sales of shipping registration, the software can automatically record and calculate the type of goods in the warehouse, the number of models of changes in the face of the computer computer, as long as a little bit of statistical data instantly at a glance.

Third, warehouse management refinement

After all the control of the warehouse operation process by the WMS, for the staff's operational requirements, the link of the docking, have provided a very refined constraints and guidance. Generally from the traditional management model into the WMS management, the warehouse operation efficiency by at least 30%.

Fourth, the WMS can standardize the whole process of storage, inventory and other operations

Through the WMS warehouse management system to control the warehouse, the realization of the flow of enterprise operations control, so that the warehouse Fan in and out of storage, inventory, returns and other full-process operations standardization.

Fifth, real-time grasp of the inventory situation, improve decision-making accuracy

WMS system through the effective recording of information, and other operational functions of real-time data docking, can accurately reflect the inventory situation, for enterprise decision makers to provide a strong basis for decision-making.

Sixth, automatic report statistics, saving manpower and material resources

Warehouse personnel through the system's various settings for various types of reports, the system will automatically carry out the required data summary, automatic production of various types of reports on the enterprise personnel to view in a timely manner.

Seven, optimize the process of warehousing and logistics

Through data collection and control solutions to warehouse logistics production, improve output

Eight, production, warehousing, logistics traceability

Through the powerful barcode/RFID automatic identification technology with WMS to achieve each product is based on the traceability of each product can be traced.

Nine, improve the efficiency of order processing

Orders are synchronized to the WMS system, warehouse personnel can use handheld terminals to download orders and shipments at the same time to improve the efficiency of order processing.

WMS (Warehouse Management System) is designed to enhance the enterprise warehouse management capabilities, is a standardized, intelligent process-oriented management of the warehouse management software, with irreplaceable functions, can accurately and efficiently manage the tracking of customer orders, purchase orders, as well as the integrated management of the warehouse.

Its use of the warehouse management mode has undergone a complete transformation, bringing great benefits to users. More importantly, bar code management to promote the transformation of the company's management model, from the traditional reliance on empirical management to rely on accurate numerical analysis of management, from the management of after the fact into the management of the incident, real-time management, to accelerate the turnover of funds to enhance the supply chain response speed, these will enhance the overall competitiveness of the enterprise.

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