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Lean know-how What is a Lean Manufacturing Execution System (MES)?

Lean Manufacturing Execution System (MES) is an important bridge connecting the production and management levels of an organization. It improves production efficiency, reduces operating costs, and optimizes resource allocation through real-……
08-22 494 Read more >

Industry Research In-depth analysis of lean MES-driven production planning and control system optimization models

As an advanced manufacturing execution system, MES system provides an effective solution for lean production planning and control. This paper will be based on the MES system of lean production planning and control model for in-depth analysi……
08-22 2461 Read more >

Lean know-how Calculating OEE using OMH

EMQ's Open Manufacturing Hub (OMH) solution brings significant OEE improvements to manufacturing operations, such as instant insights into equipment performance and accurate OEE calculations through real-time monitoring and data integration……
08-22 2275 Read more >

Lean know-how Shortcomings of OEE

As the field of smart manufacturing continues to evolve, it is becoming increasingly clear that relying on OEE alone may not provide a comprehensive picture of an organization's achievements in smart manufacturing. The assessment of smart m……
08-22 774 Read more >

Lean know-how OEE Six Losses

The main goal of OEE is to reduce or eliminate the so-called Six Big Losses. These are the main factors that cause equipment-related productivity losses in the production process. Six Big Losses Availability Losses A fundamental element of……
08-22 704 Read more >

Lean know-how OEE Performance Scores

If availability, performance and quality are not compromised in any way, a perfect OEE of 100% can be achieved, meaning that all qualified products are produced at maximum speed without interruption. Achieving this theoretical score in real……
08-22 451 Read more >

Lean know-how How to Calculate OEE

OEE reflects effective production time as a percentage of planned production time. It is calculated based on three factors: availability, performance and quality. Availability aims to eliminate interruptions and ensure smooth operations. Qu……
08-22 492 Read more >

Lean know-how Objectives of OEE

At the heart of OEE is a comprehensive and objective view of the current state of productivity in the production environment. This enables organizations to gain insight into whether their equipment and processes are operating near their max……
08-22 285 Read more >

Lean know-how Future trends in TMP equipment management systems

With the continuous progress of technology and changes in the production environment, the TMP equipment management system is also constantly developing and improving. The future development trend of TMP equipment management system mainly in……
08-22 891 Read more >

Lean know-how TMP equipment management system challenges and response strategies

The implementation of TMP equipment management system faces many challenges, including: staff participation and support, funding and resource input, technology and equipment support and management and organizational coordination. Employee p……
08-22 156 Read more >

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