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Lean manufacturing lighting system (" Andon "system)

Andon system is also called "Andon system", Andon is a transliteration of Japanese, meaning "lamp", "lantern". Originally originated from Toyota Motor Company, it is mainly used to achieve visual management of the workshop site.

In a lighting system, each device or station is equipped with a call light. If a problem is found in the production process, the operator (or the equipment itself) will turn on the light to attract attention, so that the problem in the production process can be dealt with in time.


Overview of the lighting system

When there is an anomaly in the production line (general classification: equipment, materials, quality, process, mold change, etc.), the worker presses the corresponding abnormal button and notifies the relevant responsible person through the on-site alarm light, on-site kanban, intercom platform, broadcast platform, office kanban, etc., to achieve rapid response, rapid processing, and timely production goals.

In addition, the event process, event initiation time, event response time, and event processing time are monitored in real time. If no response or no processing ends within a certain period of time, the supervisor is automatically reported step by step.

At the same time, log the processing of the event, including the cause of the event and the countermeasure of the event.


The working principle of the lighting system


The main function of the lighting system

● Strengthen the management of the production process, the relevant information can be visual, the information transmission is faster and more transparent, and the efficiency of production organization is improved.

● When you can't keep up with the beat or have an abnormal situation, one click for help. Prevent defects from occurring or flowing into the next process.

● Timely transfer of production operation information to promote the quick solution of abnormal problems.

● Collect data, process, store and manage the real-time production status data, provide a basis for the analysis of production management, and provide targets for the continuous improvement in the later period.


Application case

● Material distribution electronic Kanban: in the warehouse material issue area and distribution material preparation area, the large screen presents the information of calling time, production line, called materials, distribution demand, required delivery time, etc., to guide the material distribution work in real time.

● Equipment maintenance electronic Kanban: The large screen in the machine repair office area presents call time, production line, equipment code, equipment name, whether to stop and other information to guide quick maintenance.

● Demand electronic Kanban: The large screen in the office area presents the call time, production line, call content, call support personnel, current status and other information, which is easy to quickly view the production line status.


Sum up

As one of the important tools of lean production, the lighting system has been applied to the manufacturing process by many domestic manufacturing enterprises. However, the lighting system of most enterprises is only used when there is an anomaly in the production line.

My understanding is that the production line does not stop immediately after the press of a button. But when a station is abnormal, the problem can be solved within the beat time, and the production line continues to run.

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