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The source of enterprise rise and fall: cadres' sense of mission and responsibility

When we study the history of development and growth of an enterprise, we find that the biggest crisis, the biggest threat and the biggest problem of an enterprise do not come from the external environment, not to mention that the competitors are too strong, but from the internal.

Internally speaking, the first is from the cadres, after the correct line is determined, the cadres are the decisive factor.

If the cadres do not have a sense of crisis is the biggest crisis of the enterprise; the lack of cadre responsibility is the biggest threat to an enterprise (that is to say, the biggest threat to the enterprise from the lack of cadre responsibility); and then, the enterprise in the period of strategic transformation of the biggest problem is the shortage of cadres from the ability.

Summarized into three sentences:

1, the enterprise's biggest crisis is the lack of cadres sense of mission, cadres passion failure (not willing to continue to struggle).

Cadres if the lack of a sense of mission, lack of passion, will lead to the lack of vitality of the entire organization. The source of corporate vitality comes from our leaders have a sense of mission, passion, whether they are willing to continue to struggle. Huawei has repeatedly emphasized that “enterprises should be strivers-oriented” is this reason.

2, the biggest threat to the enterprise is the lack of cadres sense of responsibility.

Many cadres in the face of change, in the transition period, not willing to take responsibility, not fulfill their responsibilities, not as, bureaucracy, formalism, away from the market, away from the customer.

3, the enterprise's biggest challenge is that cadres do not learn, lagging behind in professional competence, insufficient leadership.

Once an enterprise enters a new career field, the biggest problem it faces is the shortage of management ability and leadership of cadres. Therefore, cadre management is the core of an enterprise's human resource management. We often say that human resources are the strategic resources of an enterprise, but the real strategic resources of an enterprise are the cadres.

PS: Many people think that the word “cadre” is very traditional and old-fashioned, but I think it is not a traditional concept, nor is it a product of the planned economy, nor is it a “patent” of the Communist Party.

The word “cadre” first came from the French Cadres, meaning the skeletal system of the organization, the backbone; Japanese also has the word “cadre”, also defined as the backbone of the organization. So the word “cadre” is an imported word, not a traditional concept as we understand it.

In my opinion, a “cadre” in an organization is a person who holds a certain leadership position or managerial position, or the core force or core backbone of an organization. Broadly speaking, it is: people who serve as a certain leadership, the core of the enterprise research and development personnel, the backbone of the enterprise's skilled personnel, that is, cadres are the backbone of the organization, the positive role of the lead.

Here I want to talk about cadres, is the narrow sense of the “cadres”, is the enterprise's middle and senior managers, they are the core of an enterprise's career.


Sense of mission: born of passion for the organization

The intrinsic passion and vitality of the enterprise come from the sense of mission. That is to say, the road is not the same, the excellent organization is first of all composed of people with common beliefs, with common beliefs, common pursuit, common value orientation. Beliefs can produce the passion of the organization, there is a pursuit, do things with dedication, there is the spirit of dedication.

People work for the sense of mission, in order to truly do everything for the whole, do their duty, you can continue to struggle.

When entrepreneurs a successful business, there is a certain amount of wealth, people face the biggest obstacle is “small wealth is peace”, do not want to continue to struggle, with a variety of honors, reputation can not give up.

This is what I said before, the entrepreneur's “goal-seeking capping theory”: entrepreneurs and executive team “small wealth”, not willing to continue to struggle, the growth of the enterprise encountered “ceiling “The entrepreneur's pursuit and sense of mission are the key to a company's growth.  The pursuit of entrepreneurs, sense of mission is the “ceiling” of the enterprise.

The reason why many enterprises in China have stagnated today is that entrepreneurs and business executives are “goal-seeking ceiling”, life value confusion, can not find the passion of the future business where, resulting in the entire organization “rotten”, resulting in the entire organization has no passion, no vitality, ultimately leading to no competitiveness. No vitality, ultimately leading to no competitiveness. Therefore, the organization should reshape the organization's passion, reshape the cadres' mission pursuit.

Cadres lack a sense of mission of the top ten performance:

1. No ideal pursuit, value confusion.

Many entrepreneurs achieve certain achievements, but do not know what their own pursuit. Most people have nothing, will not think about the basic proposition of life, once a certain amount of wealth but will go to think about the philosophy of life, thinking about who I am, where to come from, where to go.

“When people think God laughs,” and people begin to suffer, begin to be depressed.  If the thinking is not clear, the value of life will be confused, can not find the direction of the cause, passion fails, fatalism, or simply extravagant and corrupt.

So many bosses after a certain amount of wealth, they tend to say to themselves, why do you have to work so hard? Why continue to struggle? And what is the meaning and value?

Thinking is not clear, can not find the existence of the value of the time, began to pray to God, or even superstitious.

I do not oppose the belief in Buddhism, but should be separated from business operations, business operations can not move the Buddhist language used in business operations, not to mention the Buddhist beliefs as a way to promotion and fortune, guidance, a way in.

I think entrepreneurs are entrepreneurs, at any time can not lose the entrepreneurs of their own, innovation, dare to take responsibility, which is the entrepreneur's blood flow of things, all the concept of business to the Buddhist language to do the interpretation, the business must be out of the question. Entrepreneurs should have faith, whether it is Buddhism, Christianity, or Confucianism, which is the faith of human beings.

However, the entrepreneur's personal faith is not equal to the enterprise's beliefs and pursuits, personal beliefs and the enterprise's beliefs and pursuits should not be confused, the biggest problem facing Chinese enterprises is that entrepreneurs to the pursuit of personal beliefs and the pursuit of enterprise's beliefs and beliefs into a single entity, trying to replace the enterprise's faith with the faith of the religious beliefs, which has gone into the wrong zone.

Religious faith is beyond political parties beyond the enterprise a transcendent value system, enterprises are utilitarian organizations, is to participate in the competition, the Buddha is concerned about the good, true, do not seek profit, do not seek return, the personal religious beliefs as the enterprise's business philosophy, I think it is into the wrong zone. Buddha's language is a lot of a realm, only to be able to approach, it is impossible to completely do, and the concept of business is the need to do, is the need to fall into place, is the need to land.

This is what I said, the enterprise has no faith, the enterprise value is confused, wrong “superstition” as faith, the organization tossed without passion.

2. Career failure, work passion failure.

Many of our middle and senior cadres have no passion for their careers, depressed, not in a working condition. Work tasks, organizational goals can not be completed, will not actively think of ways, passive work.  What the boss says to do is what to do, some people seem to be very active, in fact, lack of initiative.

Lack of initiative behind the cause of the passion of the exhaustion, passive slack, this point in many middle and senior cadres, especially middle-level cadres in the performance of the obvious.

Middle-level cadres are the waist of the organization, the waist is not in working condition, like a man with kidney problems, there is no masculinity, especially the lack of career passion of middle-level cadres, the organization will be a big problem.

Huawei said, the top to rely on the sense of mission, the middle to rely on the sense of career, grassroots to rely on the sense of hunger. Career passion failure, mainly for middle-level cadres, middle-level career passion can not fail, “waist” can not organization “dilution”, the organization has no support.

3. Resting on the status quo, just want to work comfortably.

This is the development of enterprises to a certain period of time organizations do not have a sense of mission performance. I do not mean that do not go to maintain a balance between work and life, cadres also need to maintain physical and mental health, but can not be excessive enjoyment of life, the figure of work comfort.

A lot of bosses say, I am now when the hands off, let others do, I said unless you are not entrepreneurs, why do many Chinese entrepreneurs run to do investors? It is to do industry is very hard to do industry, like Wang Yongqing, and finally died at work. On the thief ship of entrepreneurs, do not want to get off.

Therefore, I believe that entrepreneurs are not resting on their laurels, is the cause of life as the ultimate pursuit of people can enjoy life, Li Ka-shing also enjoy life, Run Run Shaw also enjoy life, but at the same time enjoy the work can do a good job, do a good job of the cause, and be able to continue to struggle.

Many entrepreneurs in China enjoy their lives and then “boil a frog in warm water”, not feeling the changes in the external environment, resting on the status quo, not willing to continue to struggle.

I especially agree with the words of Li Jianxi, to become the company's core cadres, we must continue to struggle, must be an hour and a half earlier than the staff to work, only to pay more than others, the enterprise has the ability to compete. That's why Huawei will put forward the “struggler-oriented”, only to continue to struggle, to maintain the internal passion of the enterprise, the enterprise will have sustained combat power.

Cadres can not be satisfied with the status quo, can not figure comfort, sense of achievement more from the cause rather than enjoy life. Especially as the senior cadres of the enterprise, should be the achievement of the cause as a source of satisfaction, happiness.

4. Lack of passion, do not dare to challenge new goals.

Especially during the period of strategic transformation of the enterprise, the enterprise to enter a new industrial field, everything from scratch, many cadres are reluctant to do, conservative and not open up new business, unwilling to accept new challenges, always think that the enterprise is already good, why do you want to more challenging goals, set the goal of the time all hope that the lower the better, are not willing to try to challenge the higher goals.

If the middle and senior management of an organization lacks the passion to commit to a new cause or business, the organization is one without a sense of mission. People with a sense of mission will continue to develop new businesses and accept new challenges, and will seek fulfillment in new businesses, new developments, and new goals.

5. “Occupying a position, holding a ticket, mixing the days”.

Many middle-level cadres in the enterprise are occupying positions, taking tickets, mixing days, not only do not create value, but also create each other's work, create trouble, and provide each other with employment.  The organization is large, all people are hitchhiking, occupying a position not to act, only to seek returns, do not talk about contribution, this organization must not be competitive.

So the organization to change, to flatten, to reduce the management level, the core purpose is to let everyone valuable work, can create value. This is also the lack of a sense of mission. Haier why engage in independent management body, accounting system to account for the value of each person, is a large enterprise, in order to prevent free-riding, to prevent the occupation of the seat does not create value.

Accounting way to account for each cadre of each backbone, to see how much they have done for the company's contribution, contribution is greater than income or less than income. Only if everyone becomes a value creator, the organization will have the ability to compete.

6. Take pride in one's achievements and indulge in self-discipline.

People with a sense of mission must be strict with themselves, do not indulge themselves, strictly abide by the rules of the organization. Liu Chuanzhi said, the interests of the enterprise is greater than everything, will take the initiative to fill the position, take the initiative to synergize.

There is no sense of mission people tend to stick to the “three-quarters of an acre”, proud of their achievements, disregard for the rules of the organization, or pulling the head of the mountain and the organization to call the shots.  I think the real sense of mission of the cadres, they will continue to have higher requirements for their own, their own constraints, self-discipline is not indulgent.

A lot of officials who fell from the horse because of corruption, the last words of regret are almost always “usually not strict with their own requirements, from the smallest details did not abide by the rules, indulgence of their own”. People with a sense of mission must have a sense of reverence for the rules.

7. Do not study, no self-critical spirit.

Complacent people think they are particularly “bull”, I often say, there is no master of management, the master is “shit”.

When you call yourself a “guru”, you will be proud of the herd, and once you are proud of the herd, you will lose the spirit of criticism, refusing to learn.  Do not learn, there is no exchange between human energy and the outside, no energy exchange will atrophy, the pool of water will stink, the beginning of the stink of the person is the “master”.

Management practice is our greatest teacher, management practice is constantly changing, there is no eternal master.

Of course, if you really want to become a master, in addition to continuous learning but also simmering years, so that they live longer, when you live to ninety years of age, your competitors are basically gone, when you live to one hundred years of age, competitors are almost gone, when you live to one hundred and five years of age, all are your disciples and grandchildren, you are naturally into the master.

So people with a sense of mission are good at learning, lifelong learning, empty cup mentality.

Like Liu Chuanzhi, Ren Zhengfei, Wang Shi why can become China's most powerful entrepreneurs, lies in their humble mentality, the spirit of continuous learning. China Business News once asked me to talk about my impression of Ren Zhengfei, and I said that Ren Zhengfei often “blood-washed” our knowledge, and that his spirit of learning and ability to integrate are incomparable to many people. He often exchanges with world-class entrepreneurs and fights with masters.

Learning is very important is to play with the masters, than you can do people to communicate, only with the masters to find their own shortcomings and gaps, will have a sense of crisis. Only with their own poor people together, only the output has no input, and the master of the game in order to grow.

In addition, learning is not a repository of knowledge, learning the most important use of knowledge, transformation of knowledge.

8. Individual interests are greater than the interests of the organization, ganging up.

People with a sense of mission deep down there will be a law, only the organization in the personal value of leaving the organization, leaving the platform of personal mission there is no carrier, a person can not do the whole world, only into the organization, in the interests of the organization, have a sense of the overall situation, only really able to personal goals and organizational goals into one.

Measure a cadre has a sense of mission, lies in the personal interests and organizational interests in the event of conflict is how to choose, the other is not pulling the head, ganging up.

9. whining everywhere, everyone is a negative energy field.

Cadres with a sense of mission often identify with and practice the company's core values, with gratitude, positive energy output, not every day to the staff whining, complaining, become a negative energy field.

People have to deal with two types of people in their life, one is with capable people, and the other is with positive energy.

Those who complain every day that they are not talented will be talented, and those who are with gamblers every day will become gamblers. Cadres have positive energy, the organization will have positive energy; business everyone is talking about other people's problems do not talk about their own problems, the organization has become a negative energy field.

What is meant by cultural construction, cultural construction is to form a positive energy field, we can work toward a common goal, rather than with the organization's goals mutually exclusive.

10. Ignoring changes in the external environment.

A lot of companies do big, cadres feel too good about themselves, do not feel the changes from the market.

Zhang Ruimin said, do business to “fear and trembling”, always pay attention to external changes, always improve their own and the organization's ability to adapt to the external environment.

What do you mean by “era enterprise”? It is the enterprise that can keep pace with the times.  Enterprises can not ignore the external environment, cadres can not ignore the external environment, when cadres feel too good about themselves, but also when the enterprise problems. On the one hand, they do not take the staff, do not take the market into account, and on the other hand, they are not willing to change when the external environment changes.

The above list of ten aspects, are cadres lack of sense of mission performance.


Sense of responsibility: the source of rational power of the organization

In my opinion, responsibility generates the rationality of the organization (to ensure that the strategy is on the ground and in the right direction), responsibility is better than ability, responsibility makes a company have the power of rationality.

For the organization, the organization is a group of people with a sense of responsibility, with the responsibility to bear the composition of the responsibility is the lifeline of the enterprise; for individuals, responsibility is the individual career pass. An enterprise's employees are responsible for the customer's sense of responsibility, all the loopholes in the enterprise are someone to fill, the enterprise is in any case will not die.

On the other hand, as long as a person has a sense of responsibility, he or she will have opportunities anywhere, and his or her career will not die. From this point of view, responsibility is greater than ability, and responsibility accomplishes excellence.

In the period of transformation and change of an enterprise, if the cadres are not willing to take responsibility, the transformation will be difficult to succeed. Therefore, the biggest threat to Chinese enterprises stems from the lack of responsibility of cadres. Middle and senior cadres should be the responsible role model, responsibility above all, to reshape the responsibility system.

The reason why responsibility can produce rational power, I think there are several aspects:

Responsibility embodies a commitment. It is the firm adherence to the company's values and commitment, reflecting the commitment to customer value, employee development, shareholder returns;.

Responsibility embodies a kind of reverence. Is the law-abiding business and market rules have a sense of reverence, the organizational system and rules have a sense of reverence, to perform the duties of the post have a sense of reverence.

Responsibility embodies a bear. The so-called take charge is to dare to make decisions, can seize the development opportunity to take charge, self-transformation, self-transcendence, is to do things with the heart, the heart of doing things; Refinement of the heart.

Responsibility embodies a kind of perfection. It is the reflection of the error, the self-reflection, people continue to improve themselves is also a sense of responsibility.

Responsibility embodies a contribution. Responsibility is ultimately reflected in the realization of organizational goals, reflected in the value of the organization, reflected in the organization to create performance.

Responsibility embodies a psychological contract. From a higher level to look at responsibility, responsibility is the organization's psychological contract, is loyal to the organization, so that the organization can rest assured that a contract.

At the same time, responsibility as a management system, is the responsibility, rights, benefits, and can be four in one.

Our middle and senior cadres lack a sense of responsibility, often have the following performance:

1, the organization's values (including organizational goals) do not comply with, do not commit to, do not practice.

2, do not clap, do not make decisions, afraid of accidents, lack of responsibility.

3, do not dare to explore and innovate, do not dare to take the risk of change; 4, can not face the contradictions and problems.

4, can not face conflicts and problems, or whitewash the problem, avoid conflicts and problems, especially do not dare to face the problems brought about by their own behavior.

5, encountered differences and adverse to the development of the organization's bad words and deeds, can not clearly express their views, and mud as a good old boy; 6, to customers and partners to boast.

6, to customers and partners boast promises, not customer-centered, cheating customers, fooling customers.

7, do not take responsibility for human resources management, do not care about people, do not cultivate people.

8, corporate crisis at the moment of fleeing from the battlefield.

9, away from the front line, bureaucracy, formalism, high and mighty.

10, do not take the organization's goals as their own, do not contribute.


Capacity Building: Meeting New Challenges and Opportunities

Responsibility is the premise of value creation, and capacity is the cornerstone of responsibility.

Excellent organization is composed of a group of like-minded people with professional awareness and professional ability; it is composed of people who have responsibility in mind and dare to take responsibility. Excellent organization needs excellent ability and complementary cadre team, in such a complex era of change, what kind of ability do our middle and senior cadres have?

I think there are several aspects:

1. Insight

Middle and senior cadres bear the responsibility of management, which requires us to be able to keenly insight into business opportunities, development opportunities, especially in the structural transformation period, cadres of the market insight, insight into customer needs, insight into the industry development trend of the ability of a leading cadre is particularly important ability, but also the core competencies of senior cadres need to have the enterprise.

2.Decision-making ability

Decision-making ability is the embodiment of a cadre's sense of responsibility and the ability to make a decision when it is time to make a decision. Cadres in addition to the objective environment can be a deep insight, in the critical moment to dare to make a decision.  The development of the enterprise to a certain period, our cadres have become coy, unlike the entrepreneurial period as the ability to make decisions.  Today, the external environment is changing too fast, cadres if you can not seize the opportunity to improve decision-making ability, the opportunity will be fleeting.

3. Cultural Influence (Vision Influence)

In the era of qualitative change, in the era of value network and big data, enterprises precisely rely on values to reshape the enterprise's sense of mission, with a common value concept, a common ideal vision to condense the strength of the organization. Overseas called vision influence, Huawei called cultural influence.

Ren Zhengfei said in an article, “What is the role of senior generals when the war is a mess? It is to be in the darkness of the darkness, with their own emitting light, leading your team forward; like the Greek myth of Danko like the heart out of the burning, illuminating the path of the latter, the more in the difficult time, our senior cadres will be more to emit the life of the ember, to play the subjective initiative, to inspire the team to win the confidence, leading the team to victory.”

In Huawei's cadre management program, the first rule is that cadres are cultural inheritors and cultural influencers.

In my opinion, many of our cadres have not become cultural influencers and cultural role models. An enterprise's ideological and cultural power is the biggest management power. At such a stage, our enterprises need to reshape the vision influence, and need to have spiritual leaders for the transmission of ideas. So as not to lose their way in such a period of confusion, in order to find the path of enterprise development in the chaos period.

Cadres to burn with the heart, each cadre's heart is burning up, the enterprise must be full of passion, must be positive energy overwhelmed by negative energy.

4. Cross-border competitiveness

Internet era, enterprises must be based on customer value across industrial boundaries, across corporate boundaries to think about product and service innovation.

In the Internet era, the enterprise and the external is an open energy exchange field, the enterprise industry chain value chain is also cross each other, mutual intersection of the system, the enterprise's capital flow, logistics, financial flow, talent flow, information flow, are all fused into one. Such an open and organic ecosystem requires our cadres to be able to jump out of the original field of specialization, industrial field and the limitations of the enterprise, both cross-border thinking and cross-border capabilities.

In the Internet era, rivals may instantly become friends, and friends may also become rivals.  In the future, enterprises will not only compete with each other, but also cooperate, compromise and interdependence, and realize multi-win in both competition and cooperation, and jointly maintain the competitive order. This requires enterprise cadres to have both a sense of competition and a sense of cooperation.

Therefore, cross-border competitiveness is a new ability requirement for cadres.

5. Cross-departmental and cross-functional cooperation ability

In the Internet era, it is especially important to emphasize the cadres' cross-sectoral cooperation ability.

Now Chinese enterprises are now facing a big problem is that the cadres of the team leadership ability are no problem, with their own team, management of a piece of land, in their own piece of business as a boss no problem, but to cross-sectoral cooperation, want to the various “vassals” pinch together to do something bigger, who are not convinced by anyone, can not be pinched. Not convince anyone, can not be pinched, which is not enough cross-sectoral cooperation capabilities.

Enterprise is an inherent synergy system, synergy generates value. Internet era, the organization as a mesh system, a lot of work is project-based, the headquarters is a platform system for the first line of the war to provide support services, the various business sectors automatic spontaneous collaboration. This especially requires cadres to have cross-departmental, cross-functional cooperation ability, with a high degree of synergy consciousness.

6. Authentic Leadership

The more the enterprise faces various complicated conflicts, the more it is necessary to return to the original position of the enterprise, adhere to the value position and the bottom line of value, adhere to the moral demands of the heart, and to be consistent in word and deed. The more the need for relationship transparency, requiring cadres and customers, customers, internal staff and other stakeholders in the value chain to establish a transparent relationship, the mechanism and system under the sun, to create a transparent decision-making within the organization, the atmosphere of democratic decision-making, in order to stimulate the internal vitality of the organization, and to be able to grasp the rhythm.

Cadres occupy huge resources, cadres out of control organization is out of control, cadres crazy organization is crazy.

This requires management cadres, on the one hand, has a “gray” ability to manage, between black and white, in the chaos to find the direction, between black and white to find the balance, to manage the internal and external contradictory relationships; on the other hand, has the moral strength, moral cultivation, is to rely on moral self-restraint, the implementation of sunshine policy, rather than relying on the subterranean rules. Cadres should be able to control themselves and realize self-management.

Therefore, in the new management environment, authentic leadership also implies the ability to manage complex elements with tolerance, compromise, balance and overall control.

7. Cross-cultural leadership

Chinese companies are becoming more and more internationalized, and how to cope with diversity and internationalization is also an important proposition. It is also a brand new challenge for enterprises to gather people of various beliefs under the organization, and to integrate with the way of thinking and behavior of foreigners who cooperate and work together. Zhang Ruimin said to take the world's talent as Haier's human resources department, the world's talent for my use, to do this, the leading cadres of cross-cultural communication skills, cross-cultural understanding is a brand new requirements.

The greatest wealth of the organization is the cadres, and the cadres are the guarantee for the sustainable development of the enterprise.  After the correct line of the organization is determined, the cadres are the real determining factor, and the management of cadres must eventually return to: mission, responsibility and capacity building.

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