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The Lean Way: Optimizing Quality Management and Enhancing Corporate Competitiveness

Running a business is not a charity, it is a sin not to make money, and the goal of a business is to create profit. In order to achieve this goal, there must be a high-efficiency team, high-quality products, low-cost feed. Team members need to have: A business enterprise is not the first, the second will be closed; B members should have no fear of hardship, do not shrink, do not reach the goal, do not give up the spirit.

1. quality management

The external market competition is nothing more than quality, price, service three key items. Whoever wants to dominate the market must obtain the quality, price and service of the absolute leading.

Experienced a number of companies, all have the following problems, in order to achieve the output value, production targets, thus investing a large number of manpower, man-hours, but caused by the new staff of low-quality, multi-tasking time, low efficiency.

From the quality management point of view:

1. a large number of new employees lack of quality control awareness.

2. Grass-roots cadres lack of practical experience in teaching work.

3. The whole is busy in the pursuit of the target production value, the problem of blind spots that continue to occur.

4. Although the problem is analyzed, but the implementation of the degree is very poor, the lack of implementation (talk first-class, article second-class, do third-class)

5. Human quality needs to be educated, production process needs to be improved, and product yield needs to be enhanced.

Internal quality management:

1. Internal quality management encompasses three levels: product, site, and people. (i.e. product quality, process quality and human quality). Only high-quality people in the best process, engaged in research and development production, can produce excellent products. 2.

2. good or bad product quality must be determined by the production process 4MIE (man, machine, material, law, environment), especially the quality of people is the key to determine the quality of the product. 3.

3. quality abnormalities: to QC techniques (layer method, checklist, control charts, scatter diagrams, fishbone diagrams, histograms, Plato) according to the analysis of bad factors, but the most important is the implementation of corrective measures and preventive measures program, the general factory bad factors are mainly man-made management, material abnormalities are most often human management failures are often the biggest cause of product re-work and customer complaints.

4. Countermeasures: to enhance the quality of human education and training, and the implementation of quality improvement measures.

A: Short-term (immediate implementation)

QC techniques to explore the problem, seriously implement countermeasures, according to PDCA (PLAN, DO, CHECK, ACTION) from time to time from different perspectives to consider how to improve.

B: Mid-term (effective training measures)

The implementation of class QCC activities (two hours a week) for each position since the week since the statement response to the quality of the situation (of course, at least the statement must be true) so that the operator to put forward views on the quality of management and the problem, so that it has a sense of participation, and then increase its sense of responsibility, quality control circle activities can be used in the brainstorming, QC techniques, quality improvement proposals, QCC competition and other types of management training measures.

C: Long-term (active education and training)

1) From time to time or according to the plan to fully implement the pre-employment, on-the-job, key, opportunity quality education.

2) The company organizes annual quality control circle competition, quality essays, drawings, quality slogans, and quality speeches and other awareness education, which is used to cohesively form the company's entire quality awareness, thereby enhancing the quality of the invisible concept of the entire staff.

3) Implement the spirit of ISO9000. teach all staff that ISO is the usual standard of operation, not the application of a momentary review and audit, ISO spirit in the company for the horizontal and vertical expansion of the company as a whole, the company's entire staff is a reviewer.

2、Production Management

Management is to make the past problems will not repeat, come up with ways to improve and implement; is the first prediction of future problems. It is to anticipate future problems and make countermeasures. In the event of a problem, it is necessary to figure out how to minimize the problem in the shortest possible time, correctly control the problem, and immediately implement the method.

Production management focuses on high quality, low cost, fast delivery, which is often referred to as Q C D (QUALITY COST DELIVERY DATE) Whether it is the spirit of ISO, or PDCA or target management the most important thing is to decide a good thing must be observed.

Production management to manage the overall productivity, overall productivity = quality yield * productivity * machine frame rate * target rate * turnover rate.

How to improve the overall productivity?

1. implementation, the grass-roots cadres practical education and training, the main content of the work of teaching, work methods, work improvement, work safety four basic training, (patrol and immediately guide the improvement is the most commonly used method)

2. Explore efficiency improvement:

A. Process balance

B. Source management

C. Breakthrough process bottlenecks (for bottlenecks in the process, must be able to answer the following questions:)

a. Problem point: what is the current bottleneck?

b. Cause: What should be changed?

c. Goal: What should be changed?

d. Program: How to change?

3. Machine setup rate increase using shift system etc. 4.

4. The target rate of achievement is through the section of the report (every two hours) on the production plan in time to track, amend and implement additional, etc. to achieve the target

3、Cost (COST) control

Cost is the sum of material, labor and expense.

How to control cost?

1. Material

A. Purchasing unit price: ask the manufacturer to reduce the price, looking for new manufacturers.

B. Technology Improvement: Improve the production process and look for new manufacturers to replace them.

C. Loss management: human causes using the shortcomings of the salary deduction penalty; process to prevent the use of key corrective factors.

D. The prevention of defective materials requires 100% accuracy of the BOM table, and design changes are implemented in accordance with the physical implementation.

2. Direct Labor

A. Production Improvement: Pursue production performance.

B. Personnel adjustment: Implement the manpower support system.

C. Technical quality: implement personnel training and QCC improvement activities.

3. Manufacturing Costs

A. Employment Costs: Setting quotas for employees and improving measures for overtime.

B. Rational use of resources: Consider whether an assembly line can be increased (in order to reduce the fixed power consumption of the assembly line itself, assembly line wear and tear etc.).

C. Miscellaneous service costs: Fixed budget system.

D. Energy costs: Teach employees the habit of turning off water and electricity.


As a manager of the company, we should always take the company's business performance as our responsibility, and strive to create profits for the company, along with the company's growth and growth.

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