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Lean Manufacturing: Practicing the Way of the Atmosphere, Pursuing Excellent Performance

The world is full of people. Charisma has a component called “atmosphere”.  Whether a person's status is high or low, career is big or small, identity is obvious or micro, a person's charm, the key to see “atmosphere” or not.

What is atmosphere?

Atmosphere is a person doing things style, attitude, temperament, temperament, is a person's comprehensive quality to the outside of an invisible force. Atmosphere is a hundred rivers, pregnant with the atmosphere of the sun and the moon, a calm and generous, natural and natural, the volume of the chest, a mature and generous, serene and harmonious temperament.

Carefully analyzed, the atmosphere of the people, mainly in the people, things, has been three aspects:

First, to people, be tolerant, not calculating.

Treat people with open-mindedness and generosity, broad-mindedness, which is a person with good cultivation of the external performance. Ancient cloud: “Gentlemen should tolerate people can not tolerate, tolerate people can not tolerate, at the people can not be at.” Between comrades, we should be good at communication, cherish the destiny, help each other, cooperate with each other, treat each other with sincerity, see the wise, seek cooperation under the common goal, seek synergy in mutual cooperation, seek development in mutual trust.

Enemies are often set up by themselves. Successful people in history have the ability to turn enemies into friends, tolerate people, recognize people, use people's breadth of mind and elegance is really admirable. The Spring and Autumn period, the first of the five hegemony of Qi Huan Gong, Tang Taizong Li Shimin are such people with “atmosphere” style.

Secondly, on the matter, to transcend, do not get deeply involved.

Human life, encountered too many things. Almost eyes closed, open, encounter are things. Caught off guard by the blow, unexpected setbacks, the benefits from the sky, the benefits of the hand, at any time. Things no matter how big or small, no matter how good or bad, do not care too much, too serious. Do not see a good thing on the joyful, happy and excited, a bad thing on the face of sadness, frosted eggplant as wilting. When things are not afraid to take responsibility, how can I become a great man?

Third, to have, to be open-minded, not small-minded.

A person, living in the real world, suffered a loss, aggrieved, can not figure it out, it is often the case. Colleagues speak out of turn to slow you down, the unit unfairly hurt you, the leadership mannerisms did not give you face, this is nothing, are to be open-minded to, and take it lightly. If the whole day around their own a little bit of the small nine-99 playing around, counting their own gains and losses, and even a gain or loss as a good or bad, happy or sad standard, so narrow-minded, how can become a great man?

Atmosphere is a kind of confusion.   Not because of greed for small gains and lose big, to maintain the inner principle of the big, seemingly confused, the inner bright.

Atmosphere is a kind of tolerance.   Virtue, elegance and tolerance of others, condescend to honor others, to return kindness for kindness, do not easily take their own culture to challenge the shallowness of others.

Atmosphere is a kind of thin.   Frank and open, the body is a model, the wall without desire, money, fame and fortune over the clouds, my heart has a bright moon in the heart of the water like the sun and the moon, the eye like a mirror to see the spring and autumn.

Atmosphere is a kind of calm.   The sunshine of the mind to see the open, take the put down, when into the into, when the retreat is back, stable and calm, perseverance, Tarzan collapsed in front of the face does not change color.

Atmosphere is a realm.   Overcome the small me, mature me; high-profile work, low-profile people; the system of idleness and idleness, often think about responsibility; not to be surprised, to guard against arrogance and impatience.

An atmospheric people, not unprincipled, no temperament, but small things do not worry about, the world is no big deal. Chest like the sea, only hide the truth and goodness, refusing to be false. Know how to forget, do not count the gains and losses, live a spiritual temperament, live a realm of taste.

An atmospheric people, not no feelings and desires, but the world is clear, humane and practiced. Knowing the way forward and backward, understand the human heart, self-seeking, tolerance is gold. No matter how big the unpleasantness, but also be able to do a laugh, things over the heart with the empty, do not let the foul air in their hearts, the heart always save fresh air, spotless, rotten into nutrients, so that they moisturize their own heart.

An atmosphere of the people , not to eat the earth, but long immersed in the mundane world, there is an epiphany, life can be sublimated, understand the worries and sorrows of the world, happy and happy also life. Willing to share, not afraid to give. Shed half a liter, and finally get a bucket, take a step back to the sea and the sky ......

An atmospheric person, not inferior, not arrogant, gentle and generous, without losing innocence. The atmosphere is calm, steady as a mountain, deep as a mountain, penetrating as water. Able to accurately grasp the essence of things through the phenomenon, not stubborn, not lost, calm introspection, no shame, to get a great ease, great joy.

An atmosphere of the people, sadness of the clouds never float in his sky, but the flowers of joy will always bloom in his bright heart, “ask the channel where to get as clear as this, for there is a source of living water.” Atmosphere is the god of joy, nature often gather happiness, atmosphere is the living water, nourishing the flowers bloom.

Atmosphere of the people, with the elegance of the orchid, bamboo temperament, the style of the pine tree, the pride of the cold plum, the mountain of the thick, the sea of the profundity.

Life is a life, grass and trees in the autumn, meticulous work, the atmosphere of people, is every person should pursue the realm. Atmosphere can become a great man, the atmosphere can be invincible!

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