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Optimize SOP process: Simplify work steps, improve efficiency and convenience

Enterprises in rapid development at the same time in urgent need of fresh blood to add in, but with the ensuing daily training of personnel has also become the biggest problem. It may be faced with the problem of uneven knowledge of employees and obvious differences in their personalities.

May face the lack of full-time training staff, training cycle is long, and is a professional trainer of the first-line knowledge is relatively small problem.

There is also if the old staff with new staff or master with apprentice, there is not possible to cover all aspects of the training time is short, the inheritance effect is poor and many other problems.

When it comes to management, “relying on people is better than relying on the system” is the basic consensus, the core competitiveness of the enterprise is the implementation of the executive force, but the perfect implementation of the executive force, relying on the perfect system, the importance of the visible system.

Implemented into the daily training of personnel, why not the same! In fact, the best SOP is the best master.


What is SOP (Standard Operating Procedures)

The so-called SOP, Standard Operation Procedure three words in the first letter of the capital letters, that is, the standard operating procedures (standard operating procedures), is the standard operating procedures and requirements of an event described in a uniform format to guide and standardize the daily work.

The essence of SOP is to quantify the details. In more general terms, SOP is to refine and quantify the key control points in a procedure.

Throughout the current enterprise

Recently found a very common phenomenon: not according to SOP operation. Such things happen almost every day. Why not according to SOP operation? Why is the frequency so high? In the end, where is the problem?

The reasons for this may be the following aspects:


Remember what someone once said: “SOP is written for the operator to see, a good SOP is any literate people can read, even cleaning janitorial, but also be able to read”.

The SOP should be from the beginning of the action to the end of the action, with detailed descriptions of every action and every specification in between, and pictures of good and bad products for every kind of defective phenomenon. Only a detailed definition can make all the employees understand and not have any doubt to work according to SOP.


Think about the scope of your own position, is there a corresponding regulation for each operation. I think there must be something missing. If the operation is not guided, even some seemingly very simple fool-like operation, different people may produce different operations.

How to avoid it?

SOP in each process, steps, the definition of the time should be based on, not to write SOP people want to randomly define can be, the most basic point is to consider the applicability of employee operations.

Sometimes the enterprise SOP system is very large and complex, complete. But sometimes want to understand an operation, but it is not very good to find, some of the large and generalized encompasses a lot of operations, and some of the various departments are common a. In fact, the use of the details of the requirements, there are still some.

In fact, there are many differences in the details of the requirements for the use of up, there are also provisions of this other also have provisions, the boundaries are blurred.


Should I follow the SOPs despite the difficulties? Or do you work in your own way? Do employees send this message back to the team leader?

In most cases, employees will not take the initiative to feedback, because they are working hard on the assembly line, almost no opportunity to breathe, let alone to take the initiative to react to the problem.

This time we need our IPQC and team leader to take the initiative to come forward, not only to have the eyes to find the problem, but also to take the initiative to analyze and improve the action.

Investigate why employees find it difficult to operate, why not according to the SOP operation? Is it really because the SOP requirements are unreasonable, or is it because the new method created by the employees will be more reasonable and smooth? Do all the employees think the new method is better? Should IE be notified to evaluate the feasibility and quality risk of the new method?

Following SOPs is the most common and simple task for employees, but there are many problems behind the scenes, which are not only related to the front-line manufacturing department, but also to the auxiliary departments (QC, IE, PE, TE, etc.). Only with the cooperation of all departments, we can do the small things right, so as to improve the quality of the product.

5. the independent out of the independent write more sloppy, the content of the form of flow, does not have operability!

Some of the usual actually need to operate, need to operate well, did not come up with a separate say. The content is also sloppy, not representative.

SOP structure curing, uniform, the content is also relatively rigid, not enough image, really go to take the operation of the words do not have the operability, so that the details of the operation of the operation is also OK that operation is also OK.

Think back to the deviations of your company, how many deviations are caused by the lack of detail in the SOP document. If the provisions of a little more detailed can not be avoided? “Do what you write, write what you do” is a simple eight words, really do a few?


How to improve our SOP


First of all, the drafting of SOP should be a multi-departmental participation in the matter, must bring together the first-line team leader, workshop QA, workshop deputy director of the discussion and even the results of the review together, to avoid a person to write, audit the form of the audit did not play a role in the audit.

Of course, these initial need to invest a lot of energy, but once you get it right behind the savings is more time and cost.


Drafting SOP must be unified management, overall layout. Production management, quality and equipment, safety categories into separate categories.

Production will have what operations, are not all the corresponding procedures, equipment, are there corresponding to the operation and maintenance of clean and so on. Make an exhaustive list of SOPs to be drafted to avoid omission and intersection.


This must be taken separately, a lot of new workers new to the factory may encounter such and such a teacher, cowman, or leadership.

Talk to you about the operation of the time to say that this should be engaged in that should be engaged in that way, to teach some of their work in the accumulation of some experience. Some masters are also proud of this. Then when you go to check the SOP, there is no description. This must be avoided.

Why don't you write these experiences on the SOP, what if this person leaves, these experiences are also taken away, in case the process of passing on the word is biased, and the experience becomes biased. Strictly follow the prescribed process! There is nothing in actual operation that can only be understood but not transmitted in words.


We do not write SOPs just for the sake of writing SOPs to cope with inspections, since they are written out, they must be detailed again and again. Some things you do not specify out there may be deviations, as long as you specify enough details, I think as long as the staff has a certain cognitive ability, there will be no problem.


In terms of presentation, video > image (3D) > image (2D) > diagram > text.

In the expression of the content of the SOP is not limited to text, there are video attachments with video attachments as far as possible, there are three-dimensional graphic interpretation of the labeling must be labeled every step, as much as possible to draw diagrams, with physical drawings, do not complete the SOP to the degree of their own understanding of the staff you train to imagine that this is a complete lack of knowledge of this operation, to reduce the difficulty of understanding.


Carefully consider each sentence written, there is no guidance precision, the operation process is not the staff this operation is also OK that operation is also OK, there is no logical error before and after, and so on.

Developed down the SOP is not set in stone, if in the actual production process if the operation needs to be changed should also be amended in a timely manner.


Some SOPs are not placed inside the file cabinet, the scene must be there, before and after the operation to see. Sometimes the details are not sure to confirm in time. Determined can also look over and over again to strengthen. Really play a guiding role.

Not only the operation of the class, daily management, quality management class SOP system is the same. The end of the article recalls the former West Point President Dave Palmer once said a famous quote: “Just give me a person, as long as it is not schizophrenia, I can train him to become the world's greatest leader.

This shows the importance of a perfect system and execution. In terms of SOP system, a set of perfect SOP system is a direct reflection of the management level of an enterprise, is the irreplaceable wealth of other enterprises ah.

Of course, the ideal is very rich, the reality may be very bone-skinny, do some things to promote the up still have to work hard. I hope that the quality of people do not forget the original intention, move forward, in the quality of the road the more frustrated the more courageous!

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