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Four steps of lean management: stimulate employees; work awareness and promote efficient execution

The so-called quality awareness, an enterprise from the leadership and decision-making level to every employee's awareness and understanding of quality and quality work.

It is reflected in the work of every employee, and is concentrated in the work of the highest decision-making level of the enterprise, which is a kind of conscious will to ensure the quality of the products produced by the enterprise to deliver customer needs - hardware, software, services and process materials.

In our daily quality management, we often use "staff quality awareness is not strong", "staff quality awareness is poor" and other reasons to explain the quality problems.

To some extent, the quality awareness of employees seems to be an excuse for us to analyze and solve problems.

If the quality awareness and attitude of employees are deviated, then the quality management system is perfect, the quality control method is advanced, it is useless, there will always be one or another problem;

If there is no correct quality awareness, employees will be averse to quality management, and they will not put quality in the first place at work, and they will do almost everything, and many "almost" will become much worse.

The fundamental of enterprise management is to be a thorough productivist, relying on products and services to make profits, so that enterprises survive, develop and grow.

Obviously, product quality is the ballast stone of enterprise management. Therefore, successful enterprises generally pay more attention to quality, reduce quality cost (reduce PONC value), improve product quality, quality management has become a focus of enterprise management.

However, quality management is seen by many as a non-value-added activity, which is to supervise and find fault with the people doing the work. This concept is a kind of prejudice, but also do not understand the essence of "quality is the life of the enterprise", this kind of people's quality awareness is indifferent, and the process of enterprise product realization is extremely dangerous.

In the process of quality management, there will often be disputes between quality and technology, production and marketing personnel, if the quality awareness is indifferent, it is difficult to adhere to the principle of behavior that does not meet the system regulations, does not meet the operational requirements, and affects the quality of products, and often does not affect the quality of products, only a small problem and normal circulation until the hands of customers.

Slowly, the quality management will become a cosmetic, the quality management system will become a decoration, the process of product realization without quality assurance, the risk will be generated.

For the understanding of quality management, most companies do not regard quality as a means of competition, but as a job that must be dealt with, with this kind of quality awareness, quality inspection, audit, rectification is a kind of coping mentality, naturally is to find out the problem to change, what the other is what kind of also what kind, It is impossible to make continuous improvement from a systematic point of view.

The improvement of product quality depends on the collection of the work quality of each employee. Do a good job, according to the requirements of the work instructions to complete each process, good product quality, find problems in a timely report, product quality will be guaranteed.

Many managers believe that quality problems are the responsibility of quality personnel or production personnel, so when quality and efficiency, cycle, cost and other issues are incompatible, the first to propose a quality concession plan, this quality awareness will lead subordinates to quality is also too easy, quality problems are commonplace, product quality improvement is out of the question.

From the relationship between quality awareness and quality management, product quality can be seen, quality awareness is the core of enterprise quality management, with quality awareness, in the work will consider the quality of work, product quality, process quality, will try to find ways to solve the problem, the quality of products produced by enterprises will naturally be in the market.

Part 1

A company's employees are only likely to value quality when its leadership begins to value it. Quality work is based on the eight principles of quality management, which rely on quality awareness.

The leadership should plan and participate in the quality awareness education of employees, and express the importance of quality to employees. When employees think that quality is very important, they will devote all their efforts to ensure quality.

Through quality cases, such as Haier smashing the refrigerator, Toyota lean manufacturing, and the specific implementation of quality management documents in daily work, employees can understand how to meet customer requirements (the definition of quality is to meet the requirements), and establish the awareness of "quality is the life of the enterprise" and "quality first".

Part 2

Quality management system documents are the distillation and sublimation of long-term quality management experience and lessons and effective management methods.

There should be rules to follow, principles to adhere to, and performance in the face of quality equality, to be guaranteed by adequate authorization.

However, for new problems and new things, there is no ready-made program document guidance, then quality awareness is needed to guide.

For example: buy a bad material, it is difficult to have a good finished product; Not in accordance with the standard operating methods, the defective rate will increase; Many defective products, low efficiency, often rework; Machines, tools, molds usually do not maintain, work with illness can not produce good products.

Part 3

The measurement of quality not only provides some important information for employees to complete their work, but also enables employees to maintain a keen awareness of quality at all times.

For example, in the process of PCB OEM manufacturing, through the statistics of the defective rate data of the production process of the mounting section and the interpolation section, the abnormal is found and immediately fed back to the employee concerned, and the actual defective products are shown to him, and if conditions permit, even let him repair them by himself.

In this way, so that employees can always know their work mistakes, and immediately correct, to achieve the purpose of improving quality.

It can also be extended to a variety of quality management data trend charts to control the quality level at different times, so that it is in a reasonable range and constantly improving.

Mr Deming argues that quotas focus on quantity rather than quality, and that piecework encourages the manufacture of defective goods. We must carefully choose the standards of supervision and assessment, and can not only look at the output, but ignore the quality standards.

Part 4

Recognition and reward are the recognition of employees' excellent work performance. Through such a positive incentive mechanism, employees' enthusiasm for quality work and quality awareness will be greatly enhanced.

Drucker said that employees will determine their behavior according to the direction of incentives. When we start to motivate employees who perform well in terms of quality, it will undoubtedly have a good effect on improving the quality awareness of employees.

Through the establishment of a quality reward fund pool, employees' work quality can be evaluated on a monthly/quarterly/annual basis, and employees with good quality awareness can be rewarded or given travel; Employees who dare to adhere to the principles and perform well in quality management can be promoted or rewarded;

The penalty for quality responsibility assessment will be entered into the quality reward fund, which will increase the intensity of rewards for individuals and teams who have made contributions to quality. "One plus one minus" will enable employees to form correct quality awareness values.

The improvement of quality awareness is a continuous and repeated process from education to education, and its purpose is to fight three common bad ideas, that is, "almost" will let you miss success, "mistakes are inevitable" will make "zero defects" become a bubble, "It's not my business!" Will make total quality management a watchword.

Because once there is a hint of this idea, talking about quality awareness will become an empty talk, and the established quality awareness will suddenly fail, and the decline in product quality will become inevitable.

To sum up, the road to quality management,

The top management of the enterprise needs to strive to create;

Enterprises need to continuously improve the quality awareness of employees, to adhere to the spiral pattern of PDCA cycle;

It is necessary to make management innovation, to seek change in the unchanged, and to cultivate the soul of quality awareness of employees.

I believe that through our efforts, we will make the enterprise stand in the market, to survive, development and growth. Enterprise development, employees are rewarded, forming a positive interaction.

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