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The role of the "three inspection" and "three No" principle in quality management?

The three inspection system is the three level inspection system. In order to ensure product quality, the general use of self-inspection mutual inspection (level 1), class inspection (level 2), full-time inspection (level 3) and final determination. Because of the different production process, there are different words and meanings in different industries.

The three inspection system and the three principles are the most basic content of the quality concept, and must be infiltrated into the most basic staff in the usual quality management activities!


Three principles:

Do not accept defective products,

Don't make bad products,

Do not release defective products.

The basic requirements are:

1. Do not accept unqualified products

Do not accept unqualified products means that employees before production and processing, the first to pass the products according to the regulations to check whether it is qualified, once found the problem has the right to refuse to accept, and timely feedback to the previous process. The former process personnel need to stop processing immediately, trace the cause, and take measures to find and correct the quality problems in time, and avoid the waste caused by the continued processing of unqualified products.


Do not manufacture unqualified products means that after accepting the qualified products of the previous way, strictly implement the operating specifications during the processing of this post to ensure the processing quality of the products. The preparation work such as inspection and confirmation before operation is fully in place; Pay attention to the process conditions of the operation with the wild bird, avoid or early detection of abnormal occurrence, reduce the probability of producing unqualified products. Being well prepared and confirmed in the process is the key to not manufacturing nonconformities. Only by not producing defective products can it be made possible not to flow out and not to accept defective products.


No discharge of defective products means that employees complete the processing of this process and need to check and confirm the quality of products. Once defective products are found, they must stop the machine in time, cut off the defective products in this process, and complete the disposal of defective products in this process and take preventive measures. Welcome to the supplier management and development of public number This process should ensure that the delivery of qualified products, will be rejected by the next process or "customer".

The main points of implementation of the three non-principles


Once the product design and development is completed and the process parameters flow is clear, the quality fluctuation of the product is a problem of the manufacturing process. Each person's quality responsibility starts from accepting the qualified products of the previous process, and standardizing the operation to ensure that the product quality of this process meets the requirements is the biggest task of the staff.

Once the bad information is found in this process or received from the feedback of the next process, the employee must immediately stop production, investigate the cause, and take countermeasures to be responsible for the quality of the product to the end.


The producer of the product is also the inspector of the product, and the inspection of the product is only a part of the production process. Through inspection, to confirm the production of qualified, to ensure that qualified products into the next process. Through their own inspection, operators can understand the status of the processed products in this process more clearly, which is conducive to employees to continuously improve the processing level and improve product quality.


Starting from the design and development of the product and setting the process parameters, it is necessary to standardize and standardize all the operation steps and operation details in the operation process, and make it constantly improve. Every employee must also strictly carry out standardized work. Standardization is the best operation method of the process, is the only way to ensure the consistency of product quality, otherwise make a lot of bad products but can not find the root cause of bad, this time the "three not principle" can only create chaos, rather than quality.


All products and all processes, regardless of their form, must be fully inspected by the operator.


Quality is produced by the operator, and arranging for additional inspectors to inspect or repair the product outside the process will result in waste, will not enhance the operator's sense of responsibility, and will appease the operator's disregard for the quality of its products.


Once defective products are found in the process, the operator has the right and responsibility to stop production and take investigation countermeasures in a timely manner.


In the production process, when non-conforming products are produced, the operator must change from the production state to the investigation and treatment state, immediately stop the operation and timely confirm the on-site elements such as the person, machine, material, and process of the defective product, investigate the "real culprit" of the defective product and deal with it in time.


Any bad in the production process, must have its internal reasons, only really solve the bad every reason, in order to control the manufacture of unqualified products, to achieve zero defects, in order to make customers truly satisfied. Therefore, for the occurrence of defects, not only the operator must know, but also the management must know, the quality assurance personnel must know, the design and development personnel must know, and everyone must carefully analyze the countermeasures and improve the operating standards, rather than simply rework or scrap the unqualified products by the operation. Otherwise, the same problem will happen next time.


The quality of the product can not be completely dependent on the responsibility of the operator to ensure that anyone will have emotions, there will be inertia, there will be luck, there will be some unexpected factors, so that the quality of the product fluctuations. Therefore, it is necessary to design and use as scientifically and reasonably as possible to prevent negligence. At the same time, in the field management, carefully carry out detailed management, try to do the work in front, comprehensive planning, full preparation, prevention in advance, reduce various differences and changes, and control the quality within the required range.


The operator assumes responsibility for the quality of the product, but when the product fails, the management should take more responsibility, because the job of the field manager is to help the employee solve the problem. When an employee finds a problem and reports it, the site manager should appear at the scene as soon as possible to investigate and deal with the problem together. If the defective products are just to shirk the responsibility to the operator, not only can not completely solve the generation of unqualified products, but also easily cause the confrontation between management and employees.

Therefore, in order to guide employees, prevent problems in advance, and jointly analyze problems with employees, investigate and solve problems, it is necessary to equip employees with the resources and facilities they need, and it is necessary to help employees relieve worries about life and work. In short, only when managers become the strong backing of employees can the "three No principles" be truly implemented in production.


Three inspection principles:

Self-check and mutual check special inspection

The three-inspection system is an inspection system that combines self-inspection of operators, mutual inspection between operators and special inspection of full-time inspectors.

Start with the procurement work:

Establish strict raw material inspection system and working method, do not accept defective products.

Production according to technical standards and process requirements:

The technical department must put forward technical standards and process requirements, as well as related drawings in the prenatal period, and organize all staff to learn. Welcome to the supplier management and development of public number only technical personnel know the technical standards are meaningless standards. Wrong drawings are the most terrible bad products.

Product inspection support standard implementation:

Good products are produced, not tested. But piecework management, quota management, if there is no production process quality inspection management, quality standards can not be effectively guaranteed. Irresponsible inspectors are the main reason for the flow of defective products.

Production process mutual inspection:

The previous responsible process is responsible for the next responsible process - do not produce defective products. The next responsible process supervises the previous process - no defective products are accepted.


A. Staff assemble door locks and check door limits

B. Staff assembly lock, mutual check inverter power

C. Staff assemble inverter power supply, mutual check door lock and lock

D. Staff assembly wiper line, mutual inspection wiper subassembly

E. Staff assembly through, mutual inspection wiper line

F. Staff assemble tool box cover plate, mutual inspection through

Final packaging inspection:

Do not send defective products to the factory. If the bad products are sent to the factory for temporary benefits, it is actually smashing the rice bowl of the enterprise.

About the innovative method of three inspections

"You listen when I talk, and you see when I do; You talk, I listen, you do, I see."

For employees who need to be trained, they will first explain the three inspection steps and marking methods one on one, then demonstrate according to the three inspection steps and marking methods, then listen to the assemblers explain their understanding of the three inspection steps and marking methods, and then watch the assemblers' operation in accordance with the three inspection steps and marking methods, and finally unify the understanding and standardize the standards.

Inspectors before and after the shift to their jurisdiction of the full coverage of the three inspection inspection, to ensure the assembly quality status during the shift.

For the new employees entering the post, the teacher will carry out the three inspections in the way of apprentices. After the apprentices are assembled, the teacher will check and mark them after confirming that they are qualified.

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