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Strategies and practices to optimize workflow and improve production management quality

Friends who have done production management should have encountered such problems at work. Is that the quality of products often have problems: we have also strictly grasped the quality, but the production efficiency immediately declined; Pay close attention to production efficiency, but quality problems!

In addition to the distress, you may also read the lean production management and quality management books, but in the work, how to improve the quality of production management in the work?

It can't be seen for a moment. I don't know if you have a reasonable use of production management software this tool? Xiao Bian shares three sentences with you: Cultivate three kinds of consciousness, keep up with process control, and add two weapons.

Step one: Cultivate three kinds of consciousness

As a quality training, the most talked about is what is called quality, how to do quality, often you talk on the stage mouth soft tongue, the trainees want to sleep. After the training, the trainees whisper to each other, and finally put together a sentence: good is good, it is not practical for us! As a trainer to listen to, half a life and angry.

What is quality, in fact, is a simple sentence: quality = conscience + responsibility, so that trainees are easy to remember and easy to understand. Sometimes employees themselves would ask if I was doing my conscience right by taking the company's money and not doing my job well; If you do not do good things, cause big losses to the company, conscience is harder to go, production and quality inspection personnel will also ask. Everyone has this awareness, and then appropriately guide down, this quality reason is not difficult to control, as long as a little sense of responsibility, there will be no quality accident. Because Chinese people have a habit of being afraid of violating their conscience, they will take the initiative to ask you, how can we do a good job of quality in the future? At this time, I can teach you, you can cultivate the three kinds of consciousness of staff quality!

1. Self-check awareness

Product quality is manufactured, not tested. The secret of production quality control is: let everyone do their own products. Employees are required to self-test the products they produce, only if they think it is a qualified product, it can flow to the next process or workshop, and the unqualified products found in the self-test should be identified and placed separately.

2. Mutual awareness

For the products flowing from the previous process or workshop, employees must not look at them, but suddenly pull down to do, to test that it is a qualified product, you can carry out lean production, and to find the quality problems of the previous process or workshop, you must give timely feedback. Resolutely do not manufacture defective products, do not receive defective products, do not deliver defective products.

3, special inspection awareness

After the action of self-inspection and mutual inspection, the production supervisor can inculcate the full-time inspector: while the staff wants to produce, they are doing self-inspection and special inspection work, and as a full-time inspector, they should have a strong sense of quality control. If a full-time inspector is a subordinate of your department, it is better to communicate; If he wasn't in your department, he would have been taught by you!

Step 2: Follow process control

In management, everyone values results. Therefore, when many friends talk about lean management, the most said sentence is: no matter the white cat or the black cat, the mouse is a good cat. Deep admiration for the philosophical essence of great men. But for friends who talk about consequentialism, ask them a question: If there is no process, where will the result come from? Pay attention to the process, no good process, difficult to have good results! For quality control, only by following the process control can the quality be controlled.

1. First check control

Before the product is launched, the team leader, quality inspection personnel and employees must be required to carefully verify the materials to be put into production; To use the tooling equipment, to confirm whether the performance is stable and intact. Then produce three products in small batches to confirm whether the products are qualified. Qualified and then online production, unqualified to find the reason, until qualified to mass production.

2. Inspection control

In the production process, lean management and quality inspection personnel should conduct spot checks on products, and use 80% of their energy to focus on weak links in production, such as: novice employees, key equipment, key positions, etc.

3. Final inspection control

In the line, for the final product, to focus on control, often at this time the mentality of employees are more impatient. Once touched a thing, an employee has to get off work, still missing a product box, he will find a defective product, ask people to repair it, without passing the inspection personnel directly into the box. Was immediately corrected by the team leader, this product has serious quality defects. Moreover, when the product is collected, there are still some products waiting for repair, so the faster the work is completed, the more strict control is required!

Step 3: Add two more weapons

Quality control in the production process is either going up or down. If you want to achieve "long-term stability" of quality management, lean managers must carry two weapons: "bright knife" and "hidden arrow".

1, the first weapon is the "bright knife" - "three analysis three not let go" activity.

As the saying goes, a knife is easy to hide, but it also depends on who is using the knife, and what kind of knife. If a martial arts master, holding a wooden knife in his hand, I think no one said good hiding: but if a person who has not practiced kung fu, holding a bright sword in his hand, you dare say good hiding?

Our weapon is a "clear knife" with a knife spectrum. Every day at the production morning meeting, we must analyze the quality problems that occurred and encountered in yesterday's production, in-depth analysis of the harm of these quality problems, so that we fully realize that once the unqualified product leaves the factory, it will not only cause a huge negative impact on the enterprise, but also damage the interests of users, and then analyze the reasons for these qualities, layers of traceability, clear quality responsibility, and find out loopholes; On this basis, the analysis should be taken to implement the measures, timely improvement. The whole process of the activity should really do "the cause is not clear not let go, the quality responsibility is not clear not let go, and the corrective measures are not implemented." The manager holds a "bright knife" in his hand and pursues a little bit of quality improvement every day.

2, the second weapon is the "hidden arrow" - personnel quality awareness test method.

As the saying goes, the back arrow is difficult to prevent, in quality control, if there is no "back arrow", how can we prevent employees from paralyzing careless thoughts. The implementation process of the personnel quality awareness test method is like this: the manager will find some non-conforming products with no obvious quality defects from time to time, record the number or make a mark, and mix them into a large number of similar products to see whether the employees can check them out in a timely manner. Those who do not have a strong sense of quality and do not work carefully are often difficult to get high marks when they encounter this "exam" that is not greeted in advance and can be held anytime and anywhere. Therefore, in order to withstand the test of "hidden arrows", there is only one way, that is, to always maintain a high degree of vigilance and responsibility in the work, "do not receive unqualified products from the previous process, and do not pass unqualified products to the next process."

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