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Master three lean thinking styles to easily improve personal expression

Oral expression is the external manifestation of thinking, and it can be said that there is no language without thinking. The process of verbal expression is, in fact, the process of expressing the results of thinking, the transformation of internal speech into external speech. It is a thinking activity for a person to determine what to say, and a rapid transformation between what to say and how to say it: thought-sentence-type-vocabulary-speech. This process is complete, and a mistake in any of the steps can affect the smoothness of expression. Therefore, the transformation process from thought to speech is very important, and basic training in this area is beneficial to improving one's level of expression.

So we sometimes in the work of summarizing and reporting, always feel where the expression is not in place, the heart will also mutter, will do not as good as will say.


Directed thinking refers to thinking in a conventional mode. Directed thinking training can develop our ability to think deeply about the problem, help us to develop in-depth analysis of the problem, through the phenomenon to see the essence of the good habits of mind. You can formulate some relatively easy topics of narration, description and introduction for training.

In order to make thinking organized, you can insert some common language chains in the expression. For example, the correlative words “because”, “so”, “thus”, “the reason why ... ...because ......” ”first ...... second ...... again ......”.

You can also express in the order of time and the movement of position, and take the way of totaling and then dividing, dividing and then totaling, etc. to practice.


Reverse thinking is the reverse thinking, change the affirmation for the negative, or change the negative for the affirmation; change the positive for the negative, or change the negative for the positive.

For example, the world generally “the mountain looks that mountain high” metaphor for “greed” and give it a derogatory sense; if you turn depreciation into praise to think about it, will be used to the human courage to climb to new scientific peaks of praise, it is not to give it a positive meaning? With athletes time and time again to break new records and other examples to illustrate that people are to have “the mountain looks that high” enterprising spirit, criticizing the kind of “do nothing and let nature take its course” of “contentment” of the negative attitude. Negative attitude.

Reverse thinking training can develop the ability to think comprehensively and the ability to express opinions independently.


Divergent thinking is a way of thinking that spreads information in various possible directions and leads to more new information, thus achieving innovation. Diffractive thinking is the best way of thinking to help people achieve success through impromptu speaking.

Three training methods are introduced here.

(1) Connection method:

The training method of taking over the words of the previous expresser and saying ballast down the line. Dale Carnegie in the training of trainees in impromptu speeches commonly used this method.

For example, Carnegie called a trainee to the wonderful words to start narrating a story, the trainee said: “the other day I was driving a helicopter, suddenly noticed a large group of flying saucers are close to me, so I began to descend, but the closest flying saucer but there is a small man began to open fire on me, I ...... “At this point, Carnegie asked him to stop and then asked another participant to continue.

(2) Connect the Dots:

Connect the loose dots of people, events, and things that flash in your mind in a certain order and structure.

For example, loose points:

① flowers; ② flowers; ② flowers

② breath; ③ run.


It can be linked together in the form of the following: “Being in the midst of all my young friends, I seem to feel the breath of spring coming out of my face. All of you are young and have flower-like youth, flower-like age and flower-like life. May we all be sailing ships, riding the wind and waves, advancing into the sea; may we all be steeds, galloping into the future, running towards a glorious tomorrow!”

(3) association method:

The association method is a training method to think of another thing from one thing. It is characterized by the smell of one thing, touching the class, so that the speech has fluency and adaptability.

Let's use the following topics for training:

① show a glass rod, ask the trainer by association, quickly say what it looks like.

Show a red ball and ask the trainer to tell us that our life is full of sunshine through association.

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