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Analysis of production workshop management norms and systems

This management system is formulated in order to maintain good production order, improve labor productivity and ensure the smooth progress of production work. This system is suitable for all the staff in the production workshop.

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1. The production process must be strictly in accordance with the product specifications.

2. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the factory and production workshop.

3. Cherish production equipment, raw materials and various packaging materials, strictly prohibit damage and prevent waste.

4. Employees must obey reasonable arrangements, do their jobs with due diligence, and shall not intentionally make difficulties, neglect or refuse the orders of the group leader or superior supervisor. Those who refuse to comply with the company's management system shall be punished.

5. Dress clean and tidy, as required to wear work clothes.

6. It is strictly forbidden to go out without permission, and you must ask the production supervisor for leave.

7. Keep the workshop environment hygienic, do not litter in the workshop, do not spit, and clean the ground after each production task is completed.

8. When the product is in bad condition, it should be stopped immediately and reported, and the production can be resumed after finding the cause.

1. Use the production equipment correctly and strictly in accordance with the operating procedures (operation instructions or operation instructions). Non-relevant personnel are strictly prohibited from tampering with the production equipment.

2. Strictly follow the instructions of the equipment for production, strictly prohibit the impact of the product quality due to the rush time, if the waste of raw materials caused by the rush time according to the original price compensation.

3. Employees shall not damage materials, tools and equipment at will in the process of operation, and the violators shall be compensated according to the original price.

4. All employees must operate in accordance with the operating procedures. If there are illegal operators, they will be punished according to the seriousness of the circumstances.

5. The operation of the machine should be effectively shut down from the person, and the power should be cut off in time when the use is stopped.

1. We must establish the business philosophy of "quality first, customer first" to ensure product quality.

2. For the abnormal situation, it is necessary to identify the cause and eliminate it in time, so that the quality is always in a stable and controlled state.

3. Conscientiously implement the "three inspection" system, the operator of their own production of products to do self-inspection, check qualified, can be transferred to the next process, the next process of the product inspection, unqualified products have the right to refuse to receive. If a quality accident is found, the responsible person is not cleared, the cause of the accident is not excluded, and the preventive measures are not formulated.

4. Be responsible for the quality of the products produced, so that unqualified materials are not put into production and unqualified half products are not reordered.

5. Divide the "three products" (qualified products, repaired products, waste products) isolation area, so that the mark is obvious, the quantity is accurate, and the processing is timely.

6. Pay attention to saving water and electricity at work, shut off water and electricity at any time, and turn off water and electricity when leaving the station.

1. Strictly implement all safety operation procedures. To prevent any accidents.

2. Implement "safety first, prevention first".

3. Regularly carry out safety activities, have a good pre-shift meeting, and carry out serious rectification and remove hidden dangers from time to time.

4. Pay attention to the operation of the handling machinery to prevent crushing and collision injuries.

5. Use live equipment and electrical switches correctly to prevent electric shocks.

6. Flammable and explosive items should be stacked separately, and eye-catching signs should be set up.

7. Fire equipment should be sensitive and reliable, regularly checked and replaced (equipment, drugs), and the validity period is clearly marked.

1. Assign special person to manage the workshop equipment

2. Carefully implement the equipment maintenance system and strictly abide by the operating procedures.

3. Do the "three-step method" of equipment management, adhere to daily cleaning, weekly maintenance and monthly maintenance, and check the equipment's control system, safety device, lubricating oil road smooth oil line, felt cleaning, oil pressure oil level standard after work every day, and fill oil according to the lubrication chart, the oil quality is qualified, and no problems can be checked before formal work.

4. Special personnel should be responsible for mass equipment.

5. Make a sound equipment repair and maintenance plan, and make maintenance records, fill in timely, accurate and clean.

6. Strict equipment accident reporting system, report to the supervisor in time for failure, and stop operation.

7 requirements are: neat, clean, safe, lubrication, do "three good", "four" and "five disciplines". Good namely: manage well, use well, maintain well. Four meetings: that is, it will be used, it will be maintained, it will be checked, and it will discharge general faults. Five disciplines: Observe safe operating procedures, keep equipment clean, and refueling as required; Manage tools, accessories, do not lose; Find the fault immediately stop, notify the competent leadership to check and handle.

8. The operator should stop when leaving the post, and the equipment should not run empty.

9. The equipment should maintain the operation control system, complete and reliable safety devices.

1. Wear work clothes, do not allow to wear slippers, shorts, bare back or clothes and hats untidy, and wear the required protective equipment.

2. At work, strictly follow the prescribed operation procedures, shall not affect the smooth progress of work.

3. Each process must be subject to workshop quality control inspection and supervision, shall not cheat, false quantity, and cooperate with the quality inspection work, shall not contradict.

4. Workshop staff and monitor, workshop director cooperate with each other, shall not quarrel, beat and scold each other.

5. Employees are strictly prohibited from drinking alcohol before work. If there is excessive drinking before work, they will not be allowed to go to work on that day and will be treated as absenteeism.

6. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the workshop.

7. Special working hours need to go out, must be approved by the team leader before leaving, according to the circumstances of the time, accumulative more than 1 hour a week, deduct the corresponding salary.

8. No scrambling is allowed during working hours.

9. If the team fails to complete the production task of the day, if it affects the overall plan of the company, it will work overtime to complete the task.

10. Do not chat, laugh, talk on the phone, eat snacks, sleep during production, do not leave the production post without permission, do not sit, lie down, step on the product.

11. It is strictly prohibited to cross or sit on any mechanical part, it is strictly prohibited to dismantle or move the equipment at will, and the newly installed equipment shall not be started without testing and testing.

12. In addition to checking the company's relevant information and sending and receiving company emails, it is prohibited to view any information unrelated to the company's business online. Once found, 20% of the monthly salary will be deducted for each time.

13. Before leaving work, you must sort out the product materials and working table of your own post, and put the stool under the workbench.

14. The person in charge of each workshop is responsible for closing the doors and Windows and locking the workshop door after the night shift.

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1. Employees must arrive at the workshop 5 minutes in advance for morning meeting every day, and shall not be late or leave early.

2. The team leader must hold regular meetings separately every day, and the team leader should publish the previous day's work summary to the public, including poor work, quality and attendance; And publish the day's production plan and the day's work focus, so that employees have an understanding of the day's production and other conditions, the regular meeting time should be controlled within 10 minutes.

3. The group leader speaks loudly and forcefully in the morning meeting, which is mainly motivated and arouses the enthusiasm of employees.

1. If special matters must be dealt with in person, leave should be written in the form of 2 hours in advance, signed by the supervisor and relevant leaders, it is valid for leave, can not be asked for leave or leave afterwards, otherwise it will be treated as absenteeism.

2. Avoid private leave or approval of leave during non-working hours.

3. Employees shall not take more than two leave per month.

4. The employee must first write a leave request (indicating the reasons for leave), signed by the group leader and submitted to the management department for approval before it takes effect; Those who leave their posts without approval shall be treated as absenteeism. If you have illness, you can call for leave, make up the leave note after work, and show the medical record card, if you can not provide the relevant proof, as absenteeism.

1. Staff should keep the position clean, equipment, tables and benches and semi-finished products should be placed neatly, according to the prescribed position, should not be placed everywhere, the team leader should keep the office desk neat and clean.

2. After the tool is used, it must be cleaned and placed in the designated area. The tool shall be kept by a special team of people.

3. Do not litter or paint randomly in the company.

4. There shall be no water or oil accumulation on the workshop floor; The indoor and outdoor are always kept clean, and no garbage is allowed.

5. The hygiene of each workshop is cleaned by each workshop.

6. Adhere to the site management of civilized production, civilized operation, civilized operation, root cure bump, scratch, rust and other phenomena, every day after work to do equipment does not scrub maintenance does not go, the workpiece does not go according to the regulations, tools do not check the display does not go, the original record does not remember does not go, the work site does not clean and do not go.

1. All employees advocate Mandarin during working hours and are strictly prohibited from distinguishing provincial concepts or behaviors in work and management activities.

2. The normal working time is 8 hours every day, and the temporary overtime in the evening is notified according to the production needs. If you need to work overtime in the evening, fill in the application form for overtime workers before 17:30 PM, submit it to the director of the production plant for approval and send it to the personnel department for attendance basis.

3. Work on time (employees must attend the morning meeting 5 minutes in advance), not late, not early leave, not absenteeism (in case of rush, work time according to the workshop arrangement), something to ask for leave, to line up and clock in turn.

4. During working hours, except for managers above the group leader who move around in the workshop due to work relations, other personnel are not allowed to leave their posts and work with each other. If they need to leave their posts due to business, they must ask for permission from the group leader before leaving their posts.

5. It is forbidden to chat, play, quarrel and fight in the workshop, leave the post without permission, cross the post and other behaviors, violators shall be dealt with in accordance with the staff reward and punishment system.

6. During working hours, visitors and private phone conversations are declined to ensure product quality and safe production.

7. Employees shall not enter the workshop without permission during non-working hours, and shall not enter the special areas in the workshop without permission.

8. No one shall bring prohibited items, dangerous goods or items unrelated to production into the workshop; Personal articles shall not be placed on the assembly line, and offenders shall be dealt with according to the employee reward and punishment system.

9. The workshop schedules production in strict accordance with the production plan, and carefully organizes production according to the equipment status and personnel of the workshop. Production work division is not divided, each production team must complete the daily production tasks of the group, and ensure quality.

10. If the workshop meets the original and auxiliary materials, packaging materials, etc., does not meet the regulations, it has the right to refuse production and report to the superior for treatment. If the production continues to cause losses, the consequences will be responsible for the workshop at all levels.

11. The staff shall receive the materials through the warehouse keeper and shall not take them without permission. In the production process, the person in charge of each team shall arrange the articles and materials in the workshop group area in a methodical manner, and make a good mark, and shall not mix.

12. Employees shall operate in strict accordance with quality standards and process regulations in the production process, and shall not arbitrarily change the production process or assembly method of the product.

13. Read the operation instructions carefully before work. If an employee violates the operation regulations, whether it is intentional or dereliction of duty, the company shall be compensated by the party concerned (the management personnel shall also be jointly punished for careless management).

14. After the production process is confirmed, no one can change it at will. If any error is found in the operation process, it should be stopped immediately and notified to the head of the relevant department for joint discussion, and the change is agreed and signed.

15. Workshop staff must achieve civilized production, and actively complete the production tasks assigned by superiors; Due to the need for temporary transfer, obey the arrangement of the workshop leader or above, assist the work and obey the management of the employing department, and will report to the company for disobeying the arrangement.

16. Workshop employees and outsiders entering special jobs should comply with special regulations to ensure production safety.

17. The repairman must distinguish the good and bad materials in the maintenance process, must be clearly marked, and can not be mixed. Equipment maintenance personnel, electricians must follow the work to ensure the normal operation of equipment.

18. Employees are responsible for maintaining a healthy working environment. Spitting and littering are strictly prohibited. In the production process, we should pay attention to saving materials, shall not throw materials, tools, and components that fall on the ground must be picked up.

19. The operator must clean the machine and equipment and the work post before going to work every day to ensure that the working environment within the process is clean and tidy, the workbench shall not be disorderly, and the production accessories shall be placed with clear marks.

20. Clean your work surface at the end of the day. On that day, the staff will close all the doors and Windows and the power supply. Otherwise, if an accident such as theft occurs, the duty personnel and workshop supervisor will be investigated for responsibility.

21. Strengthen site management to ensure that the site is clean and well-equipped at any time. After production, the corner waste and public refuse shall be cleaned to the designated position and transported out of the workshop by the team on duty on the same day; Waste cartons should be removed in time and should not be left until the next day.

22. Shall not bring any goods in the company to leave the factory without permission (except for the approval of the leader in special circumstances), if there is such behavior and it is verified, will be dismissed and deduct the monthly salary.

23. Malicious destruction of company property or theft (whether public property or other people's property) shall be referred to the company administration Department regardless of the value. Depending on the seriousness of the case, he shall be dismissed without pay and compensated twice as much as the stolen price or sent to the public security organ for handling.

24. Employees shall supervise each other, and those who hide or conceal bad behavior shall be punished severely.

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