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Lean News Creating a continuous flow production model for the enterprise

Continuous flow is one of the effective means for companies to carry out lean management and is an important topic. General realization of continuous flow production will bring what benefits to the enterprise: 1. Shorten the time from order……
08-26 2561 Read more >

Lean News Efficient Production management: A comprehensive guide from management to execution

The focus of production management is to ensure safety on the basis of high quality, low cost, fast delivery, that is, commonly referred to as QCD, is the implementation of standards, PDCA continuous improvement. Controlling production cost……
08-23 2190 Read more >

Lean News Strategies and practices to optimize workflow and improve production management quality

Friends who have done production management should have encountered such problems at work. Is that the quality of products often have problems: we have also strictly grasped the quality, but the production efficiency immediately declined; P……
08-23 2027 Read more >

Lean News Effective management strategies to improve team effectiveness

1. Clear structure The most important thing to do when taking over any department is to clarify or restructure the organization. The key to the architecture is: who is in what position, responsible for what content, must be clear. By "defin……
08-23 2819 Read more >

Lean News The source of enterprise rise and fall: cadres' sense of mission and responsibility

When we study the history of development and growth of an enterprise, we find that the biggest crisis, the biggest threat and the biggest problem of an enterprise do not come from the external environment, not to mention that the competitor……
08-22 1753 Read more >

Lean News Lean Manufacturing|Bewilderment is just an excuse, laziness is the root cause: Do not let laziness ru

You say, you are confused, to the un Don't take confusion as an excuse, don't take laziness as the future! Come on there is so much uncertainty, do not see hope, dare not act rashly. I say, don't make excuses, you are nothing more than ……
08-21 6471 Read more >

Lean News Master three lean thinking styles to easily improve personal expression

Oral expression is the external manifestation of thinking, and it can be said that there is no language without thinking. The process of verbal expression is, in fact, the process of expressing the results of thinking, the transformation of……
08-21 2002 Read more >

Lean News The Lean Way: Optimizing Quality Management and Enhancing Corporate Competitiveness

Running a business is not a charity, it is a sin not to make money, and the goal of a business is to create profit. In order to achieve this goal, there must be a high-efficiency team, high-quality products, low-cost feed. Team members need……
08-21 2382 Read more >

Lean News Lean Manufacturing: Practicing the Way of the Atmosphere, Pursuing Excellent Performance

The world is full of people. Charisma has a component called “atmosphere”. Whether a person's status is high or low, career is big or small, identity is obvious or micro, a person's charm, the key to see “atmosphere” or not. What is……
08-21 965 Read more >

Lean News Optimize SOP process: Simplify work steps, improve efficiency and convenience

Enterprises in rapid development at the same time in urgent need of fresh blood to add in, but with the ensuing daily training of personnel has also become the biggest problem. It may be faced with the problem of uneven knowledge of employe……
08-21 2090 Read more >